Hi, all

I am closing this case as approved since there's no comments.

Shi-Ying Irene Huang wrote:
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase %I% %G% SMI
> This information is Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>        EOL of GNOME-keyring-manager
>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>        Author:  Jeff Cai
>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>       10 November, 2008
> 4. Technical Description
> 1.0 Description:
>   1.1 Project Detail
>     This project proposes to deprecate GNOME Keyring Manager in Solairs.
>     GNOME Keyring Manager is a graphical key management tool for GNOME.  
>     GNOME  Keyring  Manager  allows  the user to create, delete and 
>     otherwise manipulate keys and keyrings which can be used to store 
>     passwords.
>     Seahorse is a functional replacement for GNOME Keyring Manager and
>     is the GNOME community replacement for GNOME Keyring Manager, which
>     has already been made obsolete by the GNOME community.
>   1.2 Packaging and Release Binding
>     GNOME Keyring Manager alone with the SVr4 SUNWgnome-keyring-manager 
>     package family will be removed .
>   1.3 Documentation
>     A man page was shipped with GNOME Keyring Manager. It will be removed 
> too. 
>   1.4 Dependency
>     The removal of this project is dependent upon the integration of the 
>     Seahorse (LSARC/2008/664) which will be integrated into Solaris (after 
>     snv_106). GNOME Keyring Manager will be removed with the integration of 
>     Seahorse.
>     Seahorse is the GNOME community replacement and that the GNOME community 
>     has already made GNOME Keyring Manager obsolete.
> 2.0 Interface Tables
>   2.1 Exported Interfaces
>       Interface                              Stability         Comments
>       -------------------------            ----------------- -----------------
>       /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-manager    Obsolete            GUI
>                                         Volatile
>       /usr/share/   \                   Obsolete
>       gnome-keyring-manager/*           Project          png, glade and xml 
>                                         Private          files
>       /usr/share/man/man1/  \           Obsolete         Manpage
>       gnome-keyring-manager.1           Volatile
>       /etc/gconf/schemas/  \            Obsolete         GCONF keys schemas
>       gnome-keyring-manager.schemas     Volatile         that defines the
>                                                          preference
>       SUNWgnome-keyring-manager        Uncommitted       package name
>                                        Obsolete
>       SUNWgnome-keyring-manager-root   Uncommitted       package name
>                                        Obsolete
>   2.2 Imported Interfaces
>       Interface                Stability         Comments
>       ----------------------- ------------------ ----------------
>       N/A
> 3.0 References 
>     LSARC 2008/664 Seahorse
>     LSARC 2006/462 GNOME 2.16
>     LSARC 2007/146 GNOME 2.18
>     LSARC 2007/520 GNOME 2.20
>     LSARC 2008/207 GNOME 2.22
>     LSARC 2008/510 GNOME 2.24
> 6. Resources and Schedule
>     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>       6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>               Desktop
>     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>     6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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