Joseph Kowalski wrote:

> What is the commitment level to "libshim"?  More relevantly, does this 
> get a man page?  Does it get no man page, but some other documentation 
> (linker guide?)?  Its kinda strange, because I can understand lots of 
> reasons to document it in unique ways, but I suspect it should be 
> documented somewhere.

0 at only exists in as far as I know.  Perhaps something
similar for Rogers library.

      The user compatibility library /usr/lib/0 at provides  a
      mechanism  that establishes a value of 0 at location 0. Some
      applications exist that erroneously assume a null  character
      pointer  should  be  treated the same as a pointer to a null
      string. A segmentation violation occurs  in  these  applica-
      tions  when  a  null  character pointer is accessed. If this
      library is added to such an  application  at  runtime  using
      LD_PRELOAD, the library provides an environment that is sym-
      pathetic to this errant behavior. However, the user compati-
      bility  library is intended neither to enable the generation
      of such applications, nor to endorse  this  particular  pro-
      gramming practice.



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