? 2008-05-28?? 09:17 -0400?James Carlson???
> Jeff Cai writes:
> > On Tue, 2008-05-27 at 10:40 -0400, James Carlson wrote:
> > > Are there incompatible changes being made?  If so, then what is the
> > > impact of those changes?  What depends on them and how will they
> > > coordinate?
> > 
> > To adapt to changes in the TLS extension specifications for SRP, the
> > GnuTLS API had to be modified.  This means breaking the
> > API and ABI backwards compatibility.  
> > 
> > Generally, most applications does not need to be modified.  Just
> > re-compile them against the latest GnuTLS release, and it should work
> > fine.
> "Just re-compile" means that packaged software that depends on this
> library will break.  Is a re-compile necessary?  (If so, then it
> sounds like someone on that GNU project doesn't quite get how to build
> reliable libraries ...)
Yes. a re-compile is needed.
> So how do we handle this?  What existing packaged software uses this
> library?  Do we not care whether it breaks, or are we doing something
> to make sure it is all updated at the same time this library is
> updated?
Currently, ?Evolution, Pidgin, Ekiga and Vino depend on it. These four
applications are all from JDS consolidation, therefore, they will be
re-built at the same time with GnuTLS.
> > > Is anyone looking at this problem?  Or will Open Solaris (despite the
> > > best efforts of the Indiana team and the ARC "gang of four") just
> > > drift away from Linux as more things become GPLv3?
> > > 
> > Sun's legal people tole me that "?Sun prefers not to use GPL v3, Sun 
> > prefers to 
> > use GPL v2". Once legal people allow us to ship libraries or applications 
> > in GPL v3,
> > we will enable the "extra" libraries.
> Just to clarify: in this case, "prefer" means that we ship something
> under the "GnuTLS" name on Solaris that is different from the
> same-named thing on Linux and lacks the capabilities available there.
> Correct?
Yes. We only ship the core library, which is the most important part of


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