OK.  Thanks.  I'm marking this case approved.

    - Garrett

Wesley Shao wrote:
> I have no objection to that.
> Thanks,
> Wes
> Garrett D'Amore wrote:
>> Okay, it sounds like what you're requesting is really a change of 
>> additional things, outside the scope of this case.
>> Can I suggest we go forward with 8 for now, and if you're going to do 
>> some additional changes to error handling, bridges, or other things, 
>> you run another case to make those changes?  (And you can push audio 
>> down to 7 at that time, if you need to.)
>> Also, not *all* audio devices are DMA.  There are several audio 
>> devices which are PIO driven.
>> The nice thing about this case is, once its done, we can remove the 
>> interrupt-priorities override property from the driver.conf files, so 
>> that if you want to adjust the priorities later, you can do so in the 
>> nexus code, and not have to touch a gazillion different .conf files.
>>    -- Garrett
>> Wesley Shao wrote:
>>> Today, 7 or 8 doesn't make much difference since practically no one is
>>> using 7 or 8. Some bus controllers are defaulted to use 9 because they
>>> could be proxy-ing interrupts on other devices behalf, but that is
>>> just the original intent and isn't known for sure.
>>> Going forward, for DMA devices, we need to push them as low as they 
>>> can.
>>> As long as audio is above 6, we shouldn't be breaking any relative
>>> priority (thus causing performance differentiations, or video goes out
>>> of sync with audio).
>>> On a side note, we should move the rest of the 9 crowd (bridges, 
>>> etc) to
>>> 8 and leave 9 for error handling. Currently error handling is above 
>>> lock
>>> level and we are having major issues with it. That would be a different
>>> case though.
>>> In short, I think 7 is a better fit for audio.
>>> Wes
>>> Garrett D'Amore wrote:
>>>> Resending, since I forgot to add the CC to PSARC!  Doh!
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>>> Subject:
>>>> Re: PCI Multimedia Class Interrupt Priorities [PSARC/2008/343 
>>>> FastTrack timeout 06/03/2008]
>>>> From:
>>>> Garrett D'Amore <gdamore at sun.com>
>>>> Date:
>>>> Wed, 28 May 2008 13:04:06 -0700
>>>> To:
>>>> Wesley Shao <Wesley.Shao at Sun.COM>
>>>> To:
>>>> Wesley Shao <Wesley.Shao at Sun.COM>
>>>> Wesley Shao wrote:
>>>>> I can't think of reasons for below audio and above networking. Modern
>>>>> audio devices (especially the HD ones) are all DMA based, interrupt
>>>>> priority becomes relatively less important. I would like to push 
>>>>> for 7
>>>>> if we can.
>>>> Why? (I can't think of reasons either, but then again I can't think 
>>>> of reasons for between audio and lock level.)
>>>> Put another way, I'm not sure we buy anything by further reducing 
>>>> the level below 8.
>>>> I can definitely think of good reasons why even with DMA, 
>>>> interrupts needs to be serviced in a timely fashion.  
>>>> (Synchronization of audio with video, games, etc. as one example.  
>>>> Certain kinds of low latency applications such as echo 
>>>> cancellation, and VoIP processing, are other examples where one 
>>>> wants to make sure that the processing latency is as low as we can 
>>>> easily make it.)
>>>> Btw, I'm putting PSARC back on the distribution list for this, as 
>>>> this discussion really needs to be recorded in the case log.
>>>> At ARC today, this case was approved for level 8.  Its probably a 
>>>> minor update if we think we should move to level 7, but I am a bit 
>>>> more hesitant there, given the need for audio drivers to get 
>>>> serviced promptly.
>>>>    -- Garrett
>>>>> Wes
>>>>> Garrett D'Amore wrote:
>>>>>> Wesley Shao wrote:
>>>>>>> Why not making it even lower, like 7 or 8? There are virtually 
>>>>>>> no drivers
>>>>>>> using 7 or higher. That will give some breathing room in case we 
>>>>>>> have to
>>>>>>> debug some drivers and want to put them between audio and 10.
>>>>>> I'm open to this idea.  Level 9 was what was already in use, and 
>>>>>> seemed to be well tested, which is why I proposed it.  But I'd be 
>>>>>> happy to use 8, as well.  I don't think audio drivers have any 
>>>>>> dependencies on any other drivers/devices, apart from typical 
>>>>>> lock-oriented dependencies upon the system timer.
>>>>>> Using 8 allows 7 to be used for things that are "just below" 
>>>>>> audio, and 9 to be used for things that are "just above".  (I 
>>>>>> can't think of any examples of either one of those... but maybe 
>>>>>> someday someone else will.)
>>>>>> Does anyone else have any thoughts?
>>>>>>    -- Garrett
>>>>>>> Wes
>>>>>>> Garrett D'Amore - sun microsystems wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm submitting this fast-track case on my own behalf.  It 
>>>>>>>> probably could
>>>>>>>> qualify for self-review, but I want to give any interested 
>>>>>>>> parties a chance
>>>>>>>> to comment.
>>>>>>>> Requested binding is Patch on the basis that no real interfaces 
>>>>>>>> are changing,
>>>>>>>> although realistically there is probaby little chance that 
>>>>>>>> we'll backport this
>>>>>>>> to S10.
>>>>>>>> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.66 04/17/08 SMI
>>>>>>>> This information is Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems
>>>>>>>> 1. Introduction
>>>>>>>>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>>>>>>>>      PCI Multimedia Class Interrupt Priorities
>>>>>>>>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>>>>>>>>      Author:  Garrett D'Amore
>>>>>>>>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>>>>>>>>     27 May, 2008
>>>>>>>> 4. Technical Description
>>>>>>>> Fast-track: PCI Multimedia Class Interrupt Priorities
>>>>>>>> Requested Binding: Patch
>>>>>>>> Problem
>>>>>>>> -------
>>>>>>>> The current Solaris PCI nexus logic assigns high level 
>>>>>>>> interrupts (level 12)
>>>>>>>> to devices that are in PCI class 4 (multimedia class).  This 
>>>>>>>> includes all
>>>>>>>> audio devices.  (Most of which are either subclass 1 for legacy 
>>>>>>>> audio
>>>>>>>> devices, or 3 for newer hdaudio compliant devices.)
>>>>>>>> However, none of the current Solaris device drivers can operate 
>>>>>>>> with such
>>>>>>>> high interrupt priorities.  All of the audio drivers in Solaris 
>>>>>>>> wind up
>>>>>>>> reassigning an interrupt priority of 9 using the undocumented 
>>>>>>>> property
>>>>>>>> "interrupt-priorities" in their driver.conf(4) to overcome this 
>>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>>> (Recall that priority 10 is "lock level", the level above which 
>>>>>>>> device drivers
>>>>>>>> must not use locks or other constructs which could result in 
>>>>>>>> putting a thread
>>>>>>>> to sleep.)
>>>>>>>> The project team is unaware of device drivers for any hardware 
>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>> multimedia class *other* than audio devices.
>>>>>>>> The new audio framework proposed in PSARC 2008/318 will also be 
>>>>>>>> unable to
>>>>>>>> function with high-level interrupts.
>>>>>>>> Solution
>>>>>>>> --------
>>>>>>>> We propose to change the default interrupt-priority for all 
>>>>>>>> devices in the
>>>>>>>> multimedia class (PCI class 4) to 9.  Experience has shown that 
>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> level is sufficiently high to meet the needs of low-latency 
>>>>>>>> audio devices,
>>>>>>>> without requiring extraordinary measures normally required when 
>>>>>>>> dealing with
>>>>>>>> high-level interrupts.
>>>>>>>> As indicated, we are unaware of any devices supported by 
>>>>>>>> Solaris that are in
>>>>>>>> the multimedia class other than those associated with audio 
>>>>>>>> support.
>>>>>>>> 6. Resources and Schedule
>>>>>>>>     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>>>>>>>>        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>>>>>>>>         ON
>>>>>>>>     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>>>>>>>>     6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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