Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> Roland Mainz wrote:
> > Erm... two items:
> > 1. B72 integrated ksh93 version "s-" (which was an "alpha" version, too)
> > - and for the first attempt it was AFAIK quite good. And the upcoming
> > ksh93t- will be "better" since we learned from our mistakes.
> > 2. Looking at the number of bugs open in bugster and other problems I
> > think we can't wait much longer. ksh93t+ will likely not be available
> > before mid-2009. We're simply running out of time - that's why we
> > invested the whole last month with testing ksh93t- and making sure it is
> > fully functional and bug-free.
> It sounds like you've done some good work mitigating the risks.
> I do have two questions though.
> 1) What criteria does the upstream source use before deciding a version
> can drop the "-"?

The switch from '-' to '' (and later '+') AFAIK means we try to avoid
adding new features. However for most existing scripts the new features
won't be a problem - the major change was the switch from ksh88 to ksh93
where David Korn explicitly broke backwards-compatibilty to get rid of
design bugs in ksh88 (AFAIK at some point he learned from the original
mistakes and made a clear cut and started from scratch with ksh93). BTW:
ksh93 means means "ksh based on the spec from 1993" - and since 1993
scripts based on this spec are usually guranteed to run (thinking about
it... "enum" may really be the first new language-specific builtin since
1993... however I prefer to hide behind

> And, perhaps more importantly, why is the testing
> you've been doing not sufficient to warrant that?

Erm... what do you mean with that ?

> 2) What kinds of changes other than bug fixes can we expect between the
> "-" release, and the version without the "-"?

As long as it's '-' we may add features... when the '-' is gone we may
try to avoid adding features and when the tree is marked as '+' we
really try it hard to avoid adding features hard (exception may be
urgend issues which cannot be solved otherwise (or in the case of
ksh93-integration explicitly requested backports of newer features)) ...
... beyond that general statement then next big things are:
- libshell API stabilisation and find a consumer for an ARC contract to
test whether the API is complete
- thread support, e.g $ ksh93 -c 'function mythr { sleep 100 ; } ;
builtin pthread_create ; integer tid ; pthread_create -L -f mythr -t tid
; wait -T ${tid} ; exit 0' #
... but those two items won't create new builtins like "enum"

> Put another way, I'm more concerned about incompatible changes impacting
> scripts, than I am about quality (given that it seems like you've done a
> lot to ensure that quality concerns are addressed.)

See above...



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
  /O /==\ O\  TEL +49 641 7950090
 (;O/ \/ \O;)

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