James Carlson wrote:
> Joseph Kowalski writes:
> > > A new package for AST (Advanced Software Technology) developer tools,
> > > SUNWastdev, will be created, which includes all of the above
> > > message-building components. These tools have a dependency on ksh93
> > > and its libraries, as listed in PSARC/2006/550, and shall not be
> > > integrated before the Korn Shell 93 Integration project.
> > >
> > What Metacluster is this package to be added to?
> Good question -- Roland?
> My guess would be that it doesn't belong in *any* metacluster, as it's
> really only needed for ksh93 development.  If you're going to put it
> into one, then I think it goes in SUNWCall.

In theory I would prefer that "SUNWastdevl" should go into the same
metacluster as the packages which fill /usr/ccs/bin/. That way we make
sure that the AST l10n generation tools are available when building
OS/Net (otherwise gatekeepers may hear complains about built failure
over and over again just because one package is missing (which happens
near the end of the build, making it an even more nasty "suprise" ...
;-( )) and save any future changes in the package database if we promote
the stabilty to something higher (e.g. less paperwork in the future...
:-) ).
April: What do you think ?



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at nrubsig.org
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