I agree to the contract..Tim Sparlin

Don Cragun wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 15:45:08 -0500
>> From: Nicolas Williams <Nicolas.Williams at sun.com>
>> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 01:40:42PM -0700, Gary Winiger wrote:
>>>>     Imported interface             Classification          Notes
>>>>     ===========================    =================       ==============
>>>>     S-Lang library                 Uncommitted             PSARC/2008/135
>>>>     OpenSSL                        External                PSARC/2003/500
>>>     IIRC in today's terms External would have been proceeded by
>>>     Contracted.  Is there a requirement for a contract here?
> PSARC:  Yes, a contract is needed and the "External" on OpenSSL should
>       have been "Contracted Volatile" (although it remains "External"
>       in the PSARC/2003/500 case materials and in the template
>       provided for contracts for consumers of OpenSSL).  A draft
>       contract (built from the template in PSARC/2003/500/contracts)
>       is attached.  A copy of this draft contract has also been
>       placed in PSARC/2003/500/contracts/contract-27.
> Anup: Please reply to this message stating that you agree to the
>       contract and are willing to sign the contract as the
>       responsible manager for the SUPPLIER.
> Tim:  Please reply to this message stating that you agree to the
>       contract and are willing to sign the contract as the
>       responsible manager for the CONSUMER.
>       Thanks,
>       Don

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