
> This project proposes to integrate into a Minor release of Solaris
> version 8.1 of the Twisted Python project.  Twisted version 5.2 
> was already approved in PSARC 2008/121.

You mean to say Twisted version 2.5 instead of 5.2.  The previous
release was 2.5.


> 1. Introduction
>    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>         Twisted update to 8.1 and adding Twisted-Web2
>    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>         Brian Cameron
>    1.3. Date of This Document:
>         10/28/2008
>    1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s):
>         1.4.1. The PAC or CPT you expect to review your project:
>                Solaris PAC
>         1.4.2. The ARC(s) you expect to review your project:
>                LSARC
>         1.4.3. The Director/VP who is "Sponsoring" this project:
>                Robert O'Dea
>         1.4.4. The name of your business unit:
>                Software - OPG
>    1.5. Email Aliases:
>             1.5.1. Responsible Manager:   leo.binchy at
>             1.5.2. Responsible Engineer:  brian.cameron at,
>             1.5.3  Marketing Manager:     dan.robert at
>             1.5.4. Interest List:         desktop-discuss at
> 2. Project Summary
>    2.1. Project Description:
>         This project updates Twisted from 2.5 to 8.1 and adds the Twisted.Web2
>         module.
> 4. Technical Description:
>    4.1. Details:
>         Twisted is a popular, open-source networking engine written in Python
>         and supporting numerous protocols.  It contains a web server, chat
>         clients, chat servers, mail servers, and more.
>         Twisted is made up of a number of related sub-projects.  This proposal
>         integrates version 8.1 which includes the following 9 main modules:
>         Twisted Conch   SSH and SFTP protocol implementation.
>         Twisted Core    Asynchronous event loop.
>         Twisted Lore    Documentation generator with HTML and LaTeX support.
>         Twisted Mail    SMTP, IMAP and POP protocol implementation.
>         Twisted Names   DNS protocol implementation with client and server.
>         Twisted News    NNTP protocol implementation with client and server.
>         Twisted Runner  Process management, including an inetd server.
>         Twisted Web     HTTP protocol implementation with clients and servers.
>         Twisted Words   Chat and Instant Messaging.
>         The Web2 module is a 10th module which is distributed separately.
>    4.1.1. Updating Python Twisted from 2.5 to 8.1
>           While this may seem like a fairly significant version bump, it is
>           not.  The Twisted community changed their version numbering system 
> so
>           that the first digit of the version is the last digit of the year.
>           Release 2.5 was followed by release 8.0 and then 8.1.  So, the
>           Twisted community is not following normal major.minor.micro version
>           numbering system used by most software.  Python Twisted 2.5 was
>           previously reviewed as PSARC 2008/121.
>           Twisted version 8.1 contains many bug fixes.  The following
>           highlights the more significant interface-related features and
>           deprecations.  All features were relate to Twisted release 8.0 
> unless
>           otherwise specified:
>           - Twisted now uses setuptools and easy_install for better
>             installation.
>           - twisted.internet.defer contains a DeferredFilesystemLock which
>             gives a Deferred interface to lock file acquisition.
>           - twisted.python.modules is a new system for representing and
>             manipulated module paths (i.e. sys.path).
>           - twisted.internet.fdesc now contains a writeToFD function.
>           - The reactor now has a blockingCallFromThread method for 
> non-reactor
>             threads to use to wait for a reactor-scheduled call to return a
>             result.
>           - twisted.internet.task.deferLater is a new API for scheduling calls
>             and getting deferreds which are fired with their results.
>           - twisted.python.log now contains a Twisted log observer which can
>             forward messages to the Python logging system.
>           - Log files now include seconds in the timestamps.
>           - Int8Receiver was added.
>           - The FTP client can be told what port range to bind passive 
> transfer
>             ports.
>           - twisted.spread.jelly now supports decimal objects and all forms of
>             sets.
>           - Twisted Conch adds DEC private mode manipulation methods to
>             ITerminalTransport.
>           - Twisted Web twisted.web.client.getPage has support for the HTTP 
>             method.
>           - Twisted Words provides a function for creating XMPP response
>             stanzas.
>           - Twisted Words adds 'and' and 'or' operators for Xish Xpath
>             expressions.
>           - Twisted Mail supports CAPABILITY responses that include atoms of
>             the form "FOO" and "FOO=BAR" in IMAP4
>           - In 8.1, twisted.internet.error.ConnectionClosed is a new exception
>             which is the superclass of ConnectionLost and ConnectionDone.
>           - In 8.1, extending XMPP protocols is easier.
>           Deprecations:
>           - twisted.python.timeoutqueue.
>           - twisted.entrprise.row, twisted.enterprise.reflector, and
>             twisted.enterprise.util.
>           - The dispatch and dispatchWithCallback methods of ThreadPool.
>           - Starting the same reactor multiple times.
>           - The visit method of various test classes in trial.
>           - The --report-profile option to twistd and 
> twisted.python.dxprofile.
>           - The upDownError method of Trail reporters.
>           - In 8.1, mktap is now deprecated.
>    4.1.2. Twisted.Web2
>           This case also adds the Twisted.Web2 module.  This is an 
> asynchronous
>           HTTP 1.1 Web Server Framework built with Twisted.  It provides a RFC
>           2616 compliant HTTP 1.1 protocol implementation, with pipelined and
>           persistent request support, in a non-blocking threadless manner.
>           It also includes a simple web framework with request and response
>           objects, static file support, error handling, form upload support,
>           HTTP range support, pre-built parsers for all standard headers, and
>           so on.
>           It is deployable as a standalone HTTP or HTTPS server, as a HTTP[S]
>           server proxied behind another server, or as a SCGI, FastCGI, or CGI
>           script.
>           In addition to running native twisted.web2 applications, it can also
>           run any WSGI or CGI application, or, via compatibility wrappers, 
> most
>           applications written for the older twisted.web API.
>           Currently, twisted.web2 does not include a HTTP client or proxy.
>           Twisted.web2 is not a templating framework. It provides mechanisms
>           for locating and running code associated with a URL, but does not
>           provide any means for separating code and data or to ease the task 
> of
>           generating HTML.
>           According to its documentation, its interfaces should not be
>           considered stable.  Note that Python-Twisted contains a module named
>           Web, which is a separate project and there is no compatibility
>           between them.  The Twisted.Web2 module has the following 
> improvements
>           over Twisted.Web:
>           * Streaming upload data
>           * Support for multiple headers of the same name
>           * Separation of low level HTTP and high level request handling which
>             allows it to run under other transports such as SCGI and CGI
>           * IResource API improvements from Nevow
>           * More versatile outgoing data streaming API
>           * Correct header parsing
>           * Full HTTP/1.1 support
>           * Output filters (HTTP range support in a generic fashion, and gzip
>             support)
>           * Significantly better URI Rewriting when used behind a reverse 
> proxy
>             such as Apache's mod_pxy
>     4.2. Interfaces:
>   Exported interfaces:
>   Interface                               Stability       Comment        
>   --------------------------------------  --------------  
> ---------------------
>   twisted.flow                            Uncommitted     Python Twisted 
> module
>   twisted.pair                            Uncommitted     Python Twisted 
> module
>   twisted.web2                            Uncommitted     Python Twisted Web2
>                                                           module
>   Imported Interfaces 
>   Interface                               Stability       Comments 
>   --------------------------------------  --------------  
> ---------------------
>   Python 2.4.x                            External        PSARC 2005/532
>   Python Setuptools                       Uncommitted     PSARC 2008/084
>   zope-interface                          Uncommitted     PSARC 2008/122
>     4.3. Doc Impact:
>          Man page is needed.
>     4.4. Packaging & Delivery:
>          SUNWpython-twisted       - package for Python-Twisted
>          SUNWpython-twisted-web2  - package for Python-Twisted-Web2
>     4.5. Dependencies:
>          None.
>     4.6. L10N Impact:
>          The Desktop team and the G11N are working together to evaluate and
>          provide I18N/L10N support.
>     4.7 Security Impact:
>         None.
> 5. Reference Documents:
>    PSARC 2008/121 Python Twisted.
>    Python Twisted Home Page
>    Twisted Documentation

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