Milan Jurik wrote:
> Hi Freeman,
> Freeman.Liu at Sun.COM p????e v st 23. 01. 2008 v 10:48 +0800:
>>> When you say that only the root user can access /dev/dsp, do you mean
>>> to say that the underlying device file is owned by root and has
>>> permission 600?  Or does the device's driver make explicit permission
>>> checks?
>> It is owned by root and has permission 600.
> I know the external oss package can be "ignored", but today oss
> instalation gives permissions 666 to /dev/dsp
> What is the reason to "hide" it? It can be considered as regression
> against the actual situation, when this interface is widely known,
> stable and used.
First, the interface will be made public in the following phases. It is 
only hide for the time being.
There are a lot of issues to solved to integrate OSS into Solaris. 
During the development process, we feel that
it will be more convenient to achieve it in different phases. Therefore, 
we changed the original
case 2007/238(OSS  for Solaris) into a umbrella case. And this fast 
track is the first
sub-project of the umbrella project.

In this phase, we will solve two issues, HD audio hardware support and 
SADA compatibility
support. For detailed information about the milestone of the whole 
project, please refer to
the umbrella case.

Best regards
> Best regards,
> Milan

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