>> I believe it qualifies for self review and am marking it closed
>> approved.  If anyone disagrees, let me know and I will change it to a
>> fast track with the normal one week timer.
>       Lets have the whole chunk.  Is there some reason that these
>       need to be done piece meal?

Do you mean a case for moving the contents of all of /usr/sfw out to
their expected location?  I've been intending to file an overall case
covering such details but have been side-tracked as of late working on
the Open^H^H^H^H The-release-that-shall-not-be-named :-) prototype so I
haven't had the time to finalize the details of the overall case (given
there are over 30,000 files to track down).  So in the meantime, I
suggested to April and the others doing the hard work to continue with
the individual cases until I can finish tracking down the details for
the overall case.

Is there an issue with having these individual cases coming


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