David Morano writes:
> + the latest KSH appear as /sbin/sh (statically linked if desired)

No, completely static linking isn't possible on Solaris nor would it
be desirable if it were possible.  But having /sbin/sh updated at some
point in time would be.

"/sbin" doesn't mean "static."

> + no /usr/bin/ksh93 on the system; why do I need that if I have
>   /usr/bin/ksh as the latest KSH already?

No, that likely won't be possible.  Once added to the system, we'll
have to retain that pointer forever, because there will likely be no
plausible justification for breaking scripts that were once written to
do #!/usr/bin/ksh93.

It's a wart, perhaps, but one that'll very likely continue.

> + finally, it looks like KSH best belongs in ON (OS/Net); but that isn't
>   really the concern from a user's perspective

That one is still murky.  If there are no highly-fluid dependencies on
the rest of ON (i.e., vast tracts of private interfaces that change
frequently), then there's nothing that binds ksh to ON.  It would seem
to have a much greater affinity to SFW, as that's where it's generally
acceptable to have your own non-ON build style, use non-default
compilers if you want, do testing right in the middle of the build
process (rather than in the test gate where it belongs), and so on.

But assuming those dependencies aren't there, this is no longer an
architectural issue, and it doesn't matter in the context of this

> If one wants /sbin/sh to be KSH, and for it to be dynamically linked
> (doesn't really have to be as far as I am concerned), then
>       libast.so
>       libcmd.so
>       others
> should be in /lib for early boot-up time while /usr isn't mounted.

Indeed.  But if /sbin/sh isn't KSH, none of that is needed _today_.

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <james.d.carlson at sun.com>
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