Joseph Kowalski writes:
> I *think* if finally figured this out.  Those 40 other commands are
> the 40 file system equivalents of the builtins.


> Obviously, at the current time, our file system equivalents don't do
> this.


> They probably should.  This is a nice architecture which keeps the
> builtin and the file system equivalent in sync.  As has been so often
> said, that's a different case.


> That said, I don't see a reason that *either* libcmd should become
> Public.

That's the sticking point.  The others commenting on this thread have
said that they expect third parties to join in on the libcmd fun:

Don Cragun said:

> Not in this PSARC case.  TBD for a future case.

David Korn wrote:

> Most shell plugins should go in .../lib/ksh/ but
> is different since it is not just usable by ksh.  We have
> nearly 40 other commands that use this library and changing the
> location would not work for other systems that also use these commands.

Roland Mainz contributed:

> The current design was made with LOTS of thinking and we already had a
> bitter debate&&fight over this issue (and I already pointed out that
> exactly this bitter debate nearly destroyed the project). There isn't
> really another option except blowing one side of completely up - and I
> will not let that happen.

So, clearly, the project team appears to believe:

  - that needs to be in /lib or /usr/lib

  - that there will be applications outside of ksh that will link to
    this library in order to avoid fork+exec or spawn overhead

  - that some of those applications will be portable across machines
    other than Solaris, and thus it'd be bad for us to rename the

None of that sounds like Private to me, though I'd still very much
like to see this library *be* Private.

(This would be a good time for one of them to chime in, especially if
I've got that wrong.)

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <james.d.carlson at>
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