David Korn wrote:
> First let me say that I do not understand all the implications
> of the various terminology such as SWF, ON, or what it
> means to be in a specific "consolidation".

The entire Solaris OS is too big to manage as one huge chunk of
code, so it is broken down into "consolidations".   ON, aka OS/Networking,
is the kernel and core utilities - it's the current home of ksh88, as well
as most of the utilities that would be replaced by libcmd wrappers if/when
that happens.   The SFW consolidation was added later to contain open source
software that is mostly packaged and shipped as is, not modified to conform
to ON's style rules and other requirements.    Other consolidations include
X11, GNOME, CDE, developer tools, and so on.   Each has somewhat different
processes, based on their needs and (for those who have them) their upstream
open source communities, but all conform to various Solaris-wide processes
as well, such as ARC review.

> Also, I don't know what the timeframe for the various steps
> that are being proposed.  Suppose the ARC process approves this
> proposal now, how long before ksh93 would show up in a delivered
> system.  

Depends on your definition of delivered - once the code review and 
putback/commit are done, it will be available in the next biweekly
build of Solaris Express: Community Edition, and the next monthly
release of Solaris Express (the ongoing beta-like release process).

There is no announced release date for the next version of Solaris
based off this development tree, so it's hard to say when it will be
in a officially released/supported version of Solaris.   It will almost
certainly be at least 6 months out, probably more, since that's the usual
amount of time for our beta & freeze cycles before a full release, so
there's still plenty of time for future steps to get in before the next

 > How long would it be until follow up projects would
> be approved and delivered?

It could be as short as a few minutes or as long as multiple years - it's up to
how long it takes the project team to be ready.   Putting in what's ready
now doesn't set any sort of blocking timeout before another step can happen.
Realistically, Solaris development releases have biweekly builds, so if it's
less than two weeks, it may be simpler to just do in one case instead of two.

        -Alan Coopersmith-           alan.coopersmith at sun.com
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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