Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> Roland Mainz wrote:
> > Well, I offered to fix it. The solution to almost all of the problems is
> > to rip-out the ksh93d- alpha basis of ksh93 and replace it with a more
> > recent version (that was at least the "cure" for HP/UX). And I am still
> > wondering why it is so difficult for Sun to do the same.
> Because there is not enough interest in dtksh to convince Sun management to
> allocate resources to a major project on it - it would probably take more
> than the total allocated to all of CDE at Sun currently

Why do you think that ? AFAIK it's just the usual "rip out the old
version and replace it with the new one"-game. And IMO we need at least
to look at the dtksh internals to construct it's Gnome sibling - and in
the same process we could easily repair it (and porting dtksh over to
use libshell would generate valueable feedback to figure out what
changes may be required before making the libshell API public, however
the repair work is a requirement for the port to libshell...).



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
  /O /==\ O\  TEL +49 641 7950090
 (;O/ \/ \O;)

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