Thanks everyone for voting.

With holiday coming up lets' keep this open for a few more days to give 
a chance to vote if they want to- COB Tuesday May 26th.


Aniruddh Dikhit wrote:
> Margot
> I am more aligned with the minority opinion on this issue.
> -Aniruddh
> John Fischer wrote:
>> Margot,
>> Please put me down with the Minority group.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> Tom Childers wrote:
>>> Agreed. I vote to approve with the TCR, and would support a TCA to 
>>> "document the interface classification in the native documentation".
>>> -tdc
>>> On May 20, 2009, at 3:53 PM, Margot Miller wrote:
>>>> I wouldn?t mind having a TCA to have teams document the
>>>> interface classification in their native documentation. The
>>>> only thing I disagree with is forcing teams to provide a man
>>>> page if they don?t have the interface classification in their
>>>> native documentation.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Margot
>>>> Mark A. Carlson wrote:
>>>>> Deny - I'd change it to a TCA to "document the interface 
>>>>> classification
>>>>> in the native documentation" (follow the outline in the minority 
>>>>> opinion).
>>>>> -- mark
>>>>> Margot Miller wrote:
>>>>>> All,
>>>>>> I have included the minority opinion written by Mark Carlson.
>>>>>> We did in fact have quorum yesterday; our external member
>>>>>> was not listed as a full member.
>>>>>> In any case, due to the lack of perceived quorum yesterday,
>>>>>> please vote on this case.
>>>>>> Vote to approve the case as written (with the TCR)
>>>>>> Vote to deny
>>>>>> If we find we now have a majority denying the case because
>>>>>> they don?t agree with the TCR, then the TCR camp will
>>>>>> become the minority.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Margot
>>>>>> microsystems Systems Architecture Committee
>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________
>>>>>> Subject: trove-2.0.4
>>>>>> Submitted by: Vivek Titamare
>>>>>> File: LSARC/2009/262/opinion.txt
>>>>>> Date: May, 2009
>>>>>> Committee: Margot Hackett Miller, Lloyd Chambers
>>>>>> Minority: Mark Carlson
>>>>>> Product Approval Committee:
>>>>>> Solaris PAC
>>>>>> solaris-pac-opinion at
>>>>>> 1. Summary
>>>>>> This project is one of the Linux familiarity cases; this one 
>>>>>> provides
>>>>>> a library to do fast regular and primitive collections for
>>>>>> Java.
>>>>>> 2. Decision & Precedence Information
>>>>>> The project is approved as specified in reference [1].
>>>>>> The project may be delivered in a minor release of Solaris.
>>>>>> 3. Interfaces
>>>>>> Exported Interfaces:
>>>>>> __________________________________________________
>>>>>> | Interfaces Exported |
>>>>>> |____________ ______ |____________ __ __|____________|
>>>>>> |Interface | Classification | Comments|
>>>>>> |_______________ __|_________________|_____________|
>>>>>> | trove.jar | Uncommitted | |
>>>>>> |SUNWtrove | Uncommitted | |
>>>>>> |___________________|_________________|____________|
>>>>>> Imported Interfaces:
>>>>>> ______________________________________________________________
>>>>>> | Interfaces Exported | |
>>>>>> |___________________|______________ __|________________________|
>>>>>> |Interface | Classification | Comments |
>>>>>> |_______________ __|_________________|________________________|
>>>>>> |
>>>>>> | SUNWj5dev | Committed | Java Development kit |
>>>>>> | SUNWj5rt | Committed | Java Runtime library |
>>>>>> | SUNWj6dev | Committed | Java Development kit |
>>>>>> | SUNWj6rt | Committed | Java Runtime library |
>>>>>> |___________________|_________________|________________________|
>>>>>> 4. Opinion
>>>>>> During review, the only real issue raised was whether this team
>>>>>> should provide a man page in addition to the javadocs. The man
>>>>>> page would basically give a brief description of the jar file,
>>>>>> pointer to the javadocs, and state the interface stability of the 
>>>>>> jar file.
>>>>>> Discussion ensued whether it makes sense to ship a man page
>>>>>> with a jar file. Solaris developers expect man pages, but do
>>>>>> Java developers? Is it worth the extra work to provide a man page
>>>>>> and would Java developers even look for a man page.
>>>>>> It was noted that this is not standard practice as most Java 
>>>>>> developers look
>>>>>> for java documentation via javadocs, not via man. However, others 
>>>>>> stated that
>>>>>> having a minimal man page for a java jar file would allow the 
>>>>>> interface
>>>>>> classification to be visible to the end user and a few other ARC 
>>>>>> cases have
>>>>>> already shipped man pages for jar files.
>>>>>> There was discussion over the granularity of the jar file and does
>>>>>> it make sense to have an interface stability for the overall jar. 
>>>>>> Currently,
>>>>>> java has Public, Package, and Protected. There was debate as to
>>>>>> whether that conveys enough of the stability of the jar and its 
>>>>>> methods to the
>>>>>> developer.
>>>>>> With all the FOSS that is being delivered into Solaris, projects are
>>>>>> delivering in their native, natural form. This includes man 
>>>>>> pages, texinfo,
>>>>>> html, and javadoc. So the problem isn't just with javadocs and 
>>>>>> jar files.
>>>>>> There is quite a bit of FOSS out there with no interface stability
>>>>>> in the external Sun documentation. This is not a problem for Sun
>>>>>> project teams as they can always look at the interface tables in
>>>>>> the ARC tables to determine stability level.
>>>>>> Asking all java project teams to ship a man page in addition to 
>>>>>> javadocs doesn?t
>>>>>> seem like the right solution and having some teams ship a man page
>>>>>> and others not, does not provide consistency.
>>>>>> There needs to more discussion to determine if it is critical 
>>>>>> that the ARC stability
>>>>>> level be communicated to the Solaris end user for all the FOSS 
>>>>>> software
>>>>>> that is being delivered. If so, a comprehensive solution needs to be
>>>>>> formulated, whether it is a CLI, a man page, annotation embedded 
>>>>>> in the Javadocs
>>>>>> (which will work for Sun products but you cant force that upstream).
>>>>>> This is not being addressed in this case. Project teams can continue
>>>>>> to ship documentation in their ?natural?form and if there is some
>>>>>> stability suggested in that documentation that is fine.
>>>>>> Up until now, most projects have not shipped man pages with jar
>>>>>> files. This doesn?t seem to have been written down anywhere. With
>>>>>> this case, we would like to make it explicit to not deliver man 
>>>>>> pages
>>>>>> with jar files. This is setting precedent of ?do not ship man pages
>>>>>> with jar files.? This resulted in the below TCR.
>>>>>> 5. Minority Opinion(s)
>>>>>> Background
>>>>>> It is not typical for programmers working with non C/C++/Assembler
>>>>>> files, such as Java Jar files, to determine the
>>>>>> Exported Interface stability level using the man command. Java
>>>>>> programmers depend on Javadoc, Python programmers
>>>>>> depend on pydoc and so forth to document interfaces and the
>>>>>> stability would best be indicated there. Approval of OpenSolaris 
>>>>>> projects have been inconsistent in
>>>>>> preferring man pages or native documentation. This opinion seeks
>>>>>> to clarify the issue and define a policy for all such cases going
>>>>>> forward.
>>>>>> Best Practice
>>>>>> Case A - Sun Developed Components
>>>>>> 1) Sun project team developing a Jar file shall document the
>>>>>> ARC interface classification in the native documentation. (i.e.
>>>>>> Javadocs)
>>>>>> Case B - Components imported from external OSS Communities
>>>>>> 1) The OSS Community documents the interface classification in
>>>>>> their native documentation
>>>>>> a) OpenSolaris project team agrees with the classification
>>>>>> and supports it
>>>>>> - Javadoc or other native documentation required
>>>>>> (unchanged)
>>>>>> - No man page shall be allowed
>>>>>> b) OpenSolaris project team disagrees with the classification
>>>>>> - Javadoc or native documentation required, but
>>>>>> project team must change the OSS documentation
>>>>>> to match the project team's classification
>>>>>> - No man page shall be allowed
>>>>>> 2) OSS Community does not document interface classification in
>>>>>> their native documentation
>>>>>> a) OpenSolaris project team is strongly encouraged to
>>>>>> update the native documentation to reflect the OpenSolaris project
>>>>>> team
>>>>>> classification.
>>>>>> - Changed Javadoc or other native documentation required
>>>>>> - No man page shall be allowed
>>>>>> b) OpenSolaris project team cannot support deltas to the
>>>>>> native documentation
>>>>>> - Unchanged Javadoc or other native documentation required
>>>>>> - A man page shall be provided
>>>>>> 6. Advisory Information
>>>>>> None.
>>>>>> 7. Appendices
>>>>>> 7.1. Appendix A: Technical Changes Required
>>>>>> Do not ship man pages with Java jar files
>>>>>> 7.2. Appendix B: Technical Changes Advised
>>>>>> None.
>>>>>> 7.3. Appendix C: Reference Material
>>>>>> Unless stated otherwise, path names are relative to the case
>>>>>> directory LSARC/2009/262
>>>>>> 1) Project Proposal file:
>>>>>> LSARC/2009/262 Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> opensolaris-arc mailing list
>>>>>> opensolaris-arc at
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> <> * Mark A. Carlson *
>>>>> Sr. Architect
>>>>> *Systems Group*
>>>>> Phone x69559 / 303-223-6139
>>>>> Email Mark.Carlson at Sun.COM
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> opensolaris-arc mailing list
>>>> opensolaris-arc at

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