Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> Not architectural in nature, but I wonder if Perl itself is "meaty" 
> enough to justify delivering in its own consolidation.  It takes a while 
> to build.  But then I have no insight into the release engineering 
> issues associated having multiple consolidations, and I only work in the 
> ON consolidation.  Anything that shortens build times is a good thing, 
> though.  (Will moving to the SFW consolidation make it more trouble for 
> people working in that consolidation, though?)

Maybe, but consolidations should have dedicated resources including a
tech lead, gatekeeper and PM and cteam members to review changes
and integrations and make sure quality standards are met. SFW does
all this. I don't recommend one or two person consolidations. If you
don't have the staffing to maintain your own consolidation, established
ones should be used. Plus, the SFW team is working toward more
scalable builds, so developers don't have to build every pkg to


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