> >Ok, for TIOCSTI, there are effectively three choices here.
> >
> >   1. maintain the current behaviour, which appears to require
> >      PRIV_ALL
> >   2. modify the behaviour to allow the device owner to use TIOCSTI,
> >      when the sessions match.
> >   3. modify the behaviour to allow the device owner to use TIOCSTI
> >      regardless of session.
> >
> >Casper appears to believe that 1 is the only sane answer.  Nico appears 
> >to believe that 2 is a reasonable answer.  I suspect that 3 is off the 
> >table.
> The current implementation is:
>       if the ioctl flag is FREAD (read-only), then require all
                or EPERM
> else
>       if (the session is the same as the current session)
>               then ok
>       else
>               require all

                or EACCES

> So I'd say that the current behaviour is choice #2.
> But I think that's not what you actually want.

        If the return is EPERM, then pconsole has a bug that should just
        be fixed.  If it is EACCES, then the question is why is it going
        after a tty not in its session?  If pconsole's reason for existance
        is to violate the TIOCSTI, then either 3 or a Rights Profile is the
        way forward.

        BTW, has the question of policy on other systems that implement
        TIOCSTI been answered?


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