Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> John Plocher wrote:
>> Nicolas Williams wrote:
>>> It would be
>>> nice if we could avoid revisiting this every time a project comes along
>>> to integrate some C++ library.
>> We already have a stake in this sandbox:
>>    Don't use g++ to build/deliver C++ libraries on *Solaris,
>>    period.  Use Studio's C++ instead.
> Oh, cool!  Do you happen to know offhand what the case number for that 
> opinion would be?

LSARC 1993/550 C++ ABI
LSARC 1992/026 tools.h++
PSARC 1993/071 Bundling with Solaris

has a dated but still valid take on this topic.
(Sorry, not out on OS.o, included here for now...)

Software -> C++ Guidelines

   ARC cases for C++
   LSARC 1993/550 C++ ABI
     This case has a specification and an opinion, but the opinion is not yet 
finalized (at
     this writing). The C++ Object Binary Interface (OBI) has been split out of 
this case.
   LSARC 1992/026 tools.h++
   PSARC 1993/071 Bundling with Solaris
LSARC Guidelines for Products Using C++ Language
  Revision:        1.0.3 of July 22th, 1994
  Drafted by:      Dean Stanton, Evan Adams, Don Woods
  HTML conversion: John Plocher
   1.0 Problem Description
      LSARC found it necessary to provide guidance to Sun software developers 
who are
      considering using the C++ language. Indeed, many Sun groups are already 
developing in
      C++, and encountering compatibility problems.
      C++ has become a widely-used implementation and interface specification 
vehicle. And
      yet the C++ language lacks a stable ABI (Application Binary Interface) 
standard; no two
      compiler releases (from SunPro or from other vendors) necessarily have 
      binary forms for binary layout of objects or function calling sequences. 
Hence, the
      calling sequences generated by one compiler are not guaranteed to be 
compatible with
      those generated by another brand of compiler or another major release of 
compiler from
      the same provider. And an interface implemented by one compiler may not 
be usable (or
      may not function correctly) when invoked by compatible source code 
compiled by another
      An additional binary-compatibility problem plagues software libraries 
      statically linked, dynamically linked, or dlopen-ed): binary object 
layout is affected
      not only by the specified description of the object, but also by the 
private data
      included in the class (in the header file used at compile time). A 
library interface
      specification should be independent of its implementation, so that a 
      implementation may be substituted (say, in a later library software 
      asynchronous to the application), and still function correctly. Most 
developers address
      this now by wrapping an interface-only class around the implementation 
class. This
      problem may eventually be solved by the C++ Object Binary Interface (OBI)
      project[Reference 1]. Alan Sloane calls it ``evolution'', and an earlier 
      document addressed it with extern "shared".
      These Guidelines collect in one place the committee's requirements and 
advice on using
      C++, and call out details related to libC, the C++ library. The 
cfront-based C++
      library is bundled into Solaris, starting with 10/93. But each libC is 
useful only to
      compatible compiler releases.
      1.1 Compiler Background Information
        The following table presents the current status of SunPro C++ 
compilers, and their
        matching C++ libraries. It also shows conjecture that the next release 
will likely
        be binary-incompatible with SPARCompilers 3.x, but conforming to a
        hopefully-standard-and-stable C++ ABI. This ABI is the subject of LSARC 
        Workshop       C++ Release Base          libC Dynamic C++ Library  C++ 
Library first
        Release Number Number      Technology    Version                   
        2.0.1          3.0.1       cfront                 2.3 
        3.0            4.0         cafe compiler[2               2.4 
        3.0.1          4.0.1       caf' compiler[3]              
        4.0?           5.0?        caf' + ABI[1]                (No 
      1.2 Binary Incompatibility Due to Build Platform
        Solaris 4/94 fixes bug #1091835 by changing a declaration in 
<sys/types.h> from:
        typedef enum boolean { B_TRUE, B_FALSE } boolean_t;
        typedef enum { B_TRUE, B_FALSE } boolean_t;
        to become POSIX-conformant. Unfortunately, the presence/absence of the 
enum tag
        affects the C++ name-mangling of function arguments (etc.) involving 
boolean_t. The
        mangled name will differ when compiled with pre-4/94 header files, 
versus 4/94 and
        later (including the Solaris Developers Conference CD), when using 
either cfront or
        A C++ interface compiled prior to Solaris 4/94 involving boolean_t will 
be callable
        only when compiled using a copy of sys/types.h with boolean reinserted, 
on 4/94 or
        later. However, distributing such a header file will run up against the 
        packaging rules[2]. Users may need to be instructed to build their own. 
They must
        not build theirs in /usr/include/sys, however, because their system 
would then be
        incompatible with POSIX and modern C++ interfaces.
   2.0 Introduction to the C++ Guidelines
      It is critical to differentiate C++ implementation (which may be used to 
implement a C
      interface, for which there is a stable ABI) from C++ interfaces (which 
lack a stable
      ABI). C++ interfaces are discouraged, but allowed, subject to 
restrictions specified in
      these Guidelines. This includes imported C++ interfaces as well as 
exported. Example
      imported C++ interfaces are the C++ utility classes from RogueWave, known 
      Tools.h++[3], and the C++ library itself, libC.
      There were several issues discussed, some specific to C++, and others 
dealing with
      dynamic-linking, compiler revisions, and other topics.[4]
      The committee discussed many possible differentiators:
        * Using C++ only for implementation, versus for interface specification
        * Bundled versus unbundled products
        * Applications versus libraries
        * Dynamic (shared) libraries versus static (archive) libraries
      The committee decided that most of these choices affected only detailed 
advice and
      brought up discussion of ancillary issues. Nonetheless, to make these 
Guidelines more
      useful, applications are presented separately from libraries.
   3.0 Applications May be Implemented in C++
      An application development team may use C++ internally, as long as it 
does not offer
      any C++-based interfaces. An application commonly has no 
      interface at all, using only a CLI or GUI and non-language-specific file 
      C++ application developers face the following issues:
        1. They must ensure that the proper version of libC is available or 
they must avoid
          the need for libC. (See section 1.1.)
        2. They must ensure that the proper version of any other libraries 
written in C++ are
          also available.
        3. It is very difficult to use multiple C++ libraries if they have been 
compiled with
          different compilers.
      3.1 Applications and libC
        A program written in C++ will, by default, be dynamically linked with 
libC, the C++
        runtime library. This library implements the new and delete operators, 
the I/O
        streams routines, exception handling, etc. Therefore, these programs 
need to have
        the appropriate libC available at runtime.
        Section 1.1 shows which C++ libraries are bundled with which Solaris 
        Applications built with a C++ compiler whose library is bundled may 
depend on the
        bundled C++ library. If the application does not need to run on prior 
        releases, then its developers need not worry about C++ library access, 
        perhaps which clusters must be installed.
        3.1.1 When Applications Cannot Depend on the Bundled libC
           Applications cannot depend on the bundled libC in the following 
                Bundled Products
                   if the libC needed by the compiler you used is not bundled 
                Unbundled Products
                   if the product supports earlier Solaris releases, previous 
to those that
                   bundled the libC needed by the compiler you used.
           Such applications must ensure that the proper version of libC is 
available. This
           can be done by co-packaging libC, statically linking with libC, or 
           the dependency upon libC.
        3.1.2 Co-packaging
           An unbundled application that needs libC may include the package 
that contains
           libC. The package names are SUNWlibC for SC3.x and SUNWlibCf for 
SC2.x. These
           packages are now available as patches: 101242-03 for SUNWlibC and 
101246-02 for
           SUNWlibCf. The README file of C++ 4.0 contains information about 
these patches.
           Any unbundled product can ship these patches on their CD.
        3.1.3 Linking Statically to libC is an Option
           An application product that chooses to link statically to the 
appropriate libC
           would use the -nolib option, as described on the appropriate CC(1) 
manpage, like:
      CC -o mycommand my.o other.o -nolib -lsunmath -lm \
        -Bstatic -lC -lC mtstubs \
        -Bdynamic -lw -lc
           The trick is to get libC static, but libc dynamic. (The compiler 
driver adds both
           of these libraries for you automatically, so it is difficult to find 
the correct
           spot for -Bstatic; the -nolib option asks CC not to add in the 
        3.1.4 Eliminating the libC Dependency
           Projects that wish their C++ implementation software to run on 
systems prior to
           the bundling of the matching libC may avoid dependency on libC, as 
           later for libraries. In this way, their application or library 
doesn't need to
           find libC at runtime.
      3.2 Unbundled Dynamic Libraries are Problematic, Independent of C++
        If an unbundled application[4] depends on an unbundled dynamic library 
(with a C++
        or any other interface), the proper install location for the dynamic 
library is
        /opt/some_path/lib, and the application must assure the library is 
found at runtime.
        This is typically achieved with the -R link option (or LD_RUN_PATH), 
with the
        LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable as a last resort. If the package 
containing the
        library must be installed somewhere else, system administrators may 
need to
          1. mount the package onto /opt/some_path on each target machine on 
which the
             application may be run; or
          2. make /opt/some_path a symlink on each target machine to the 
             location; or
          3. set the users' LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, for each user 
of the
             application, perhaps via scripts similar to /usr/dist/exe's.
        LSARC would welcome a proposal for a better solution, such as including 
        centrally-administered places into the list of locations automatically 
searched for
        dynamic libraries.
        (Below, there are additional guidelines on delivering dynamic C++ 
      3.3 Multiple Libraries using Different Compilers
        One awkward case to consider is an application that depends on two or 
more libraries
        with C++ interfaces: one that exists only for an older compiler, and 
one that exists
        only for a newer compiler with incompatible calling conventions. The 
C++ calling
        convention can be side-stepped - for example, using C wrappers. But 
even then, if
        the libraries require incompatible C++ runtime libraries, they cannot 
be co-resident
        in one process. To build such an application requires sophistication, 
if it is to be
        performed at all. Techniques we've identified are:
          1. Use two processes, one compiled with each compiler. These could use
             compiler-independent IPC to communicate.
          2. Use a C-callable (i.e., stable-ABI based) ``wrapper'' layer, as 
described in
             Appendix F of reference [5], between the portions of the 
application compiled
             with each compiler. Even if the two portions did not depend on 
             libC runtimes, there still might be problems with call-back 
functions or
             exceptions, which depend on C++ call-stack details, Because of 
these problems,
             option 2 is not recommended.
   4.0 C++ May be Used for Library Implementation
      We first consider the case that is easy to permit: A library development 
team may use
      C++ internally, as long as it neither exports nor imports any C++ 
interfaces, including
      libC. Generally, this means the library exports a C-callable interface, 
but sports a
      C++ implementation.
      Importing or exporting any C++ interface ties the library to a particular 
C++ compiler
      until a stable ABI exists. The dependency on particular C++ calling 
conventions and/or
      runtime libraries lead to restrictions on applications using the library, 
as discussed
      in section 3.3, even though the C calling sequence is compatible, because 
the other
      side of the C++ interface might use a different compiler, and the two 
runtimes might
      conflict. See section 3.3.
      4.1. Avoiding libC is an Option
        Projects that wish their C++ implementation software to run on systems 
prior to the
        bundling of the matching libC may avoid dependency on libC.
        Another reason to avoid libC is that a client - even of a library's C 
interface -
        may be using C++. If the client wants to use a different compiler and 
libC from the
        one the library needs, the two C++ libraries would conflict. The same 
could arise if
        the client wanted to use two libraries implemented in C++ that needed 
different libC
        Avoiding library dependency on libC is encouraged, but it is difficult 
to assure
        that no C++ interfaces are imported. No real tools exist to verify lack 
of libC
        importation. Until additional guidelines are provided to help programs 
        accidental dependencies on libC, avoid the following libC features:
          1. C++ I/O streams (perhaps use libc I/O instead).
          2. C++ exceptions (try, throw, and catch must be avoided - use 
explicit arguments
             and tests instead).
          3. new and delete operators. Supply class-specific new and delete 
          4. new[], and delete[] operators. Classes cannot provide their own 
             for these array operators; therefore, these operators must be 
avoided. Do not
             use arrays of classes in any context - static, automatic, or in a 
             these use library routines to implement construction and 
destruction. Instead,
             use arrays of pointers to the objects.
        Re-implementation of libC public entry points is strongly discouraged, 
due to
        support problems of multiple implementations. Any exception would 
        justification and explicit ARC approval.
      4.2. Avoid C++ Exposure in C Interfaces
        Libraries with C++ interfaces incur additional problems (and hence 
        restrictions imposed by these guidelines). In using a C interface and a 
        implementation, care must be taken that no C++ interface sneaks in.
        Pointers to C++ objects may be handed across a C interface (as an 
opaque handle),
        but only the library that produced the pointer can interpret 
(dereference) it.
      4.3. Conventions for Naming Library Symbols
        The committee regrets that there is not a widely disseminated naming 
        document. The only naming conventions document we know of is from 
1987[6], which is
        pre-C++. A summary is presented here, along with application to C++. 
When C++
        compilers support the namespace feature, we will need additional 
conventions for
        their use.
          1. All external symbol names in a library and in its public header 
files should
             begin with a prefix (e.g., dbm_ or Dbm).[6] In C++, these are 
symbols that
             could be referenced with the :: scope resolution operator. A large 
library may
             use a handful of prefixes, or sub-prefixes (e.g., dbm_core_ and 
dbm_util_). C++
             class names are external names, and should be prefixed. C++ 
members, including
             methods, are effectively prefixed with the class name by the 
compiler, and
             therefore do not need special naming. Names that need not be 
external may be
             static instead of prefixed.
          2. typedef, struct, and enum names, enum tags and constants should 
all be
             prefixed, if they have file scope. If these names are scoped 
within a C++
             class, they do not need special naming. Macros should be prefixed, 
as well. For
             example, use DBM_MAX_LENGTH, not MAX_LENGTH nor MAX_DBM_LENGTH. 
Each header
             file should have a single prefix; multiple header files for the 
same library
             may share the same prefix.
          3. These prefixes must be documented, so that clients avoid any 
accidental use of
          4. Functions or global data symbols that are private to a package 
must have a
             prefix that begins with an underscore.
        The naming convention would also mandate case, underscores, and 
conventions such as
        _t (for types) or _H (for header-file guards), which aren't addressed 
here, but are
        addressed in the Project DOE C++ Programming Style Guide[7]. While this 
Style Guide
        is not universally accepted, PSARC/1992/075 mandated that future Ivy 
and Trellis C++
        interfaces be defined in accordance with this Style Guide. Deviations 
from the Style
        Guide in C++ interfaces (but not in implementation) should be pointed 
out during ARC
        review. Project DOE intends to update the Style Guide and obtain ARC 
approval for
        the new C++ style guidelines. After ARC approval, these guidelines 
should be used by
        projects unless the project gains an ARC exemption.
   5. Libraries that Export or Import a C++ Interface are Restricted
      In addition to sharing the problems listed above for C++ implementations, 
until a
      stable ABI exists, importing or exporting any C++ interface ties a 
library to a
      particular C++ compiler. One notable C++ interface commonly imported is 
libC. (See
      first footnote.)
      5.1. Precedent - Libraries with C++ Interfaces are Strongly Discouraged 
until the ABI
      is Stable
        In consideration of the restrictions that follow, LSARC strongly 
        libraries from importing or exporting C++ interfaces until C++ 
compilers offer a
        stable binary interface.
        Reasons that a C++ interface might be justified include:
          1. Needing client extensibility via subclassing.
          2. C++ interface specified by a standard, such as OMG CORBA.
          3. Library is intended specifically to support users of C++.
          4. Software purchased to fill a need happens to have one or more C++ 
      5.2. Sentiment for Forbidding C++ Interfaces Before ABI is Stable
        Some committee members wish to forbid libraries with C++ interfaces 
until there is a
        stable C++ ABI. The majority, however, feel the risks and advantages 
may be weighed
        as a business decision, as long as the architectural limitations are 
known. The
        following sections describe restrictions that apply to libraries with 
      5.3. Precedent - C++ Interfaces Could be Classified Public
        Due to the lack of a C++ ABI, a C++ binary interface might be modified 
by changes to
        the compiler, even if the source-code-level interface is stable. 
Therefore, a
        project shipping a library with a C++ interface should plan to ship 
        versions of that library for use with different compilers[8] due to 
        considerations.[7] If this is understood by the project team and 
steering committee,
        such an interface could be classified as Public or Standard. These 
        also apply to libraries or applications using a binary interface based 
on the C++
        Shipping source code might be a reasonable alternative prior to the ABI 
for a
        utility library not intended to be used by other libraries.
      5.4. Linking Multiple libC Instances is Discouraged
        When faced with the situation of two pieces of code each requiring a 
        version of libC, it was deemed impractical to link in both versions of 
libC and
        expect things work correctly. While the name-mangling of the different 
        should not conflict, the implementation of the two instances of libC 
are very likely
        to conflict.
        Therefore, a library using libC will be unusable by applications using 
        incompatible C++ compiler and unusable in the same process as any other 
        using a different compiler's libC. This may unreasonably limit the 
        potential market.
      5.5. Libraries Must Not Link Statically to libC
        As section A.3 explains, both static and dynamic libraries must link 
dynamically to
        libC or avoid dependency on it entirely.
      5.6. Precedent - Conventions for Naming Libraries with C++ Interfaces
        To ease support and use of multiple versions of a library offering a 
        requires the following naming convention of such a library. Any 
exception should be
        explicitly approved by the appropriate ARC.
          1. A brief substring indicating the compiler's binary interface 
should be
             established by the compiler vendor and shared by every library 
offering a C++
             API that uses that compiler (or one with a compatible binary 
interface). One
             example is ``-SC3'' for SPARCompilers 3.x. SAC should know what 
strings have
             been established, and assure that only one string is used for each 
ABI. The
             stable, standard C++ ABI (once available) could use the null 
          2. This string must appear in the library name. Following the 
example, a library
             might be named ``''. There may be a symbolic link 
without the
             version number suffix which points to the latest compatible 
version of the
             library (`` ->'' in the example), but 
there must
             not be a symbolic link without the binary interface substring. The 
             for this requirement is that users of a library with a C++ 
interface don't want
             the ``latest''; they want one compatible with their compiler.
          3. Users will be instructed to link with the library name including 
the binary
             interface substring. If ``-SC3'' is the substring, users might 
link with
        Using this scheme, a customer could switch library versions in an 
obvious way when
        upgrading to a newer compiler. A single Makefile edit could change all 
        (That is, the user might represent his library references using
        -lfoo${CPLUSPLUS_ABI} -lbar${CPLUSPLUS_ABI}.)
        The committee requires this convention for static libraries, as well, 
so that
        dynamic and static libraries (if they are ever both offered) will share 
the same
        ``root name'' (prior to the .a and .so suffix).
        5.6.1. Discussion of Library Naming Convention
           The convention applies to libraries with C++ Application Programming 
           (API). XGL 3.x and XIL 1.x have C-callable APIs, but C++ System 
           Interfaces. They need not adhere to this naming convention. They may 
use other
           versioning techniques to determine whether hardware-specific 
libraries with C++
           interfaces are compatible with the library.
           The rejected alternative is to merely use library ``version 
numbers''. (The
           filenames of the two libraries based on different compilers must be 
different, so
           they can be present simultaneously.) The version number would be 
bumped whenever
           the binary interface changed. This is either because the 
source-level interface
           changed or because an incompatible compiler created it. LSARC notes 
that the
           bundled libC chose this alternative. In fact, the naming convention 
in section
           5.6 above came from Chuck McManis' Minority Opinion of the PSARC 
opinion on
           bundling libC[8]. The committee rationalizes that libC is a special 
case because
           it is not generally mentioned in Makefiles. (It is usually added 
implicitly by
           linking via the CC compile driver.)
           The advantage of the new convention is that library version numbers 
are still
           available for identifying source-level compatibility. A filename 
           separate from the library version number indicates a compiler binary 
           version. Library users need not remember which library versions are 
           with their specific compiler; this information is visible. The 
contrary arguments
           were that version numbers alone are adequate, few developers are 
likely to use
           multiple libraries offering C++ APIs, and that libraries have other
           distinguishing characteristics (such as MT-safeness and 
           that are not apparent in the names; names can't encode all library 
           without being unwieldy. The committee favored the new convention 
      5.7. Precedent - Packaging Convention for Libraries Exporting a C++ 
        Projects which have libraries exporting a C++ interface should deliver 
        libraries in a separate package from non-C++ components, at least until 
there is a
        C++ ABI. Any exception should be explicitly approved by the appropriate 
ARC. It is
        acceptable for multiple C++ libraries depending on the same compiler to 
        The rationale for this requirement is that future product releases will 
likely add
        libraries for newer compilers, and ``sweep out'' libraries compatible 
with old
        compilers to a ``backwards-compatibility'' cluster, deem the old 
        Obsolete[9], and eventually remove them completely. Separate packages 
are good for
        things we intend to someday ``sweep out''.
        5.7.1. Discussion of Packaging Convention
           The general packaging guideline is that organizing files into more 
packages is
           more flexible. Projects should group packages into small clusters, 
so that the
           user doesn't have to select every (tiny) package one-by-one, but can 
select the
           appropriate cluster instead, killing multiple birds with one stone. 
The overhead
           of creating additional packages is a small amount of disk space, and 
a small
           packaging-engineering effort. These effects are minor.
           Files on which the library depends or vice versa need not be 
co-packaged. Listing
           the dependent packages is sufficient.
      5.8. Bundled Libraries with C++ Interfaces
        Any bundled dynamic library with a C++ interface must continue to 
provide a version
        of the dynamic library compatible with the same compiler binary 
        Such a project must get explicit approval from their steering committee 
        integration. This approval should consider the issues of multiple 
versions of the
        library, one for each binary-incompatible version of C++:
           * Customer Support for multiple versions.
           * Maintenance and patching of multiple versions.
           * Disk consumption (on both distribution media and customer disk) of 
        Static libraries might not need to ship old versions of the library 
        because each application is compiled only with the correct compiler, 
and is linked
        with the matching library, after which no runtime library compatibility 
        occurs. Nonetheless, there is likely a business case to ship multiple 
        because a portion of the customer base might not be ready or willing to 
update to
        the newer compiler release.
        If a bundled library needs a version of libC, the appropriate dynamic 
C++ library
        would need to be bundled.
      5.9. Unbundled Libraries with C++ Interfaces
        Unbundled dynamic libraries might not need to provide a version for the 
        compiler binary interface ``forever'', because the ISV already has the
        responsibility of redistributing the library along with the application 
to all
        end-users, and a new version of the dynamic library using a newer 
compiler doesn't
        change that. Any single application would be compiled with only one 
compiler, and
        need to be delivered with only the matching dynamic library.
        However, multiple versions of any library with a C++ interface might 
still be needed
        as a business decision, even for compilers older than current when the 
library is
        released. Otherwise, customers who have paid for an older compiler 
would be unable
        to use it to invoke the (newer) library. See the issues in the 
preceding section.
        An unbundled (static or dynamic) library product that depends on libC 
may need to
        ship the appropriate libC if the product supports earlier Solaris 
releases, previous
        to those that bundled the libC needed by the compiler you used.
      5.10. Interfaces Based on C++ Templates
        Templates are expanded at compile time. Therefore, the expansion of the 
        becomes part of the binary interface based on the template source 
interface, and
        must not be changed between releases without ARC approval. Templates 
are equivalent
        to macros in this respect. Developers should also be aware that 
multiple generated
        template expansions could bloat a product.
      Appendix A: Additional Advice Regarding Dynamic Libraries
         The following  sections  provide  additional  information
         about dynamic  libraries,  that is not specific to C++, but
         may not be widely known.  See reference [10] for more
         A.1.  Dynamic versus Static Library Performance
         To oversimplify the performance ramifications, a single
         application will run slightly faster when statically linked
         to its support library or libraries.  This is partly due to
         avoiding  runtime  relocation  and indirection, and partly
         due to compilation for absolute addressing, rather than
         Position  Independent  Code (PIC).   However,  multiple
         applications can all share the text segment of a shared
         library, which reduces their size  (on  disk and  in
         memory), and can avoid page-faulting because some other
         process has brought in the pages of the shared library text
         that this  application  needs,  or  by  using them has kept
         them from being paged out.  This means overall system
         performance is  generally  increased  by  use of dynamic
         libraries.  Hence, for any library expected to be used by
         more than one process at a  time, shared/dynamic  libraries
         are  preferable  from  a  performance standpoint.  Any
         such  library  should  be  shipped  either  in
         dynamic-library form, or in both dynamic and static forms.
         A.2.  Unbundled Dynamic Libraries
         Unbundled dynamic libraries are problematic, even without
         use of C++.   Both the application and the dynamic library
         must be provided to its end user, and both must be
         addressed  at  runtime.  This  can't  presently  be  simply
         handled for the end user by a system  administrator,
         because  the  application  and   dynamic library  are
         typically  installed  on a single server, and then shared
         by many end users on multiple ``execution'' hosts.
         It  is  unfortunate  that  dynamic  libraries  are
         problematic, because  a  good  shared  library
         implementation is one of Sun's value-added strengths.
         The performance advantage of sharing  libraries  and  the
         added flexibility  of runtime linking in some cases
         outweighs the distribution problem and the hazard of being
         unable to  locate  the dynamic  library  at  runtime  due
         to inadequate installation or incorrect configuration.
         We  impose  the  following  guidelines  for  unbundled   dynamic
         libraries, whether C++ is involved, or not:
         1.   The library or libraries must be distributed in a  separate
              package  of  their  own[9],  so  that multiple applications
              could distribute them.
              The installation directory for this package need not
              match the  package  name,  nor  contain the libraries
              from only a single package.  But the directory name
              should be owned and managed by the provider/owner of
              the shared library.
         2.   Use of ld's -R option (or the LD_RUN_PATH environment
              variable) must be recommended for use by developers of
              software importing the library or libraries, so that
              end-users  need not  use  LD_LIBRARY_PATH  (if
              installing  everything normally).  See section 3.2.
         A.3.  Libraries Must Not Link Statically with Other Libraries
         Libraries must not statically link in subordinate libraries
         that anyone  else  may  use  in  their  application.  This
         causes the resultant library to assume the dependencies of
         both  libraries.  This  issue  is not specific to C++.  ARC
         members have seen this problem without involvement of C++.
         If a dynamic library D links statically to any static
         library S, only  the  portions  of  S used by D are
         inserted into D.  If an application A uses D and also some
         additional portion of S,  the portion  of  S  inserted by D
         may not be of the same revision as the portion of S
         inserted by A.  The two portions of S  may  not share
         compatible  internal  (e.g., project private) interfaces,
         and therefore may not work together.  This can be very
         difficult to detect and debug.
         This comes up when C++ library developers try to solve the
         libC unstable-binary-interface  issue  by statically
         linking in parts of libC.  The implementation of libC
         included by the portion  of libC brought in statically at
         link time may be incompatible with the implementation of
         additional portions of libC brought in  by an  application
         (or another library) implemented in C++, even if they have
         binary-compatible external interfaces, due to  revised
         implementations.   If  the  functionality  is only present
         in an archive library, the applications should link  with
         the  static library.
         This error can normally be  caught  by  link-editing  a
         dynamic library  with  -z  text.   This will flag non-pic
         code (position independent code), which  is  what  is
         typically  in  a  static archive library.
         A dynamic-library developer can also verify that no archive
         has been linked in by using the LD_OPTIONS environment
         variable with the value -Ddetail,libs when building the
         dynamic library.  This prints the path of all dependent
         libraries searched for.  If the search for any dependent
         library  finds  a  .a  file  before  or instead of a .so
         file, then an archive library will be used.
         A.4.  How the Correct Version of is Found
         When a library or application is  linked  with  an
         implicit  or explicit  dependency  on  the  dynamic C++
         library,, the presence of other versions of
         libraries at link time  or run time will not cause an
         incompatible to be used.
         Each compiler driver adds ld -L options to force its own
         version of  to  be  found at link time.  This may
         actually be a sym-link to /usr/lib/ as described
         in  reference  [8].  The  version  number  found  in  this
         library (not merely in its filename) is saved in the
         library or application ELF  file  that depends  on  it.  At
         runtime, the dynamic loader selects the C++ library named
         with  this  version  number.[10]   This  selection might
         be  influenced  by  the builder's LD_RUN_PATH environment
         variable and the  user's  LD_LIBRARY_PATH  environment
         variable (typically set up by system administrators).
         Appendix B: Additional Advice for C++ Users
         B.1.  Expected C++ Binary Interfaces
         SunPro's C++ compiler developers inform us to  expect  only
         one more C++ binary interface after SPARCompilers 3.0
         (which is caf' ; see footnote 1).  The next release will be
         binary-incompatible with  SPARCompilers 3.x, but conforming
         to a hopefully-standard-and-stable C++ ABI.  This ABI  is
         the  subject  of  LSARC  case 1993/550[1].
         B.2.  Name Mangling Differences
         The C++ name ``mangling'' algorithm is different between
         cfront (that  is,  SPARCompilers  2.0  aka C++ 3.0), and
         caf' (that is, SPARCompilers 3.0 aka C++ 4.0).  We  have
         been  convinced  this incompatibility is a feature (until
         the C++ ABI is stable).
         LSARC required future C++ compilers to change the name
         mangling as   well,   whenever  the  ABI  is  changed
         incompatibly.   In particular, LSARC required that  the
         proposed  standard  ABI[1] specify name mangling different
         from that of SPARCompilers 3.0.
         B.3.  Frequently Asked Questions
         A list of Frequently-Asked-Questions about C++ and their answers
         is in reference [11].  This is not specific to Sun or Solaris.
         Appendix C: Reference Material
         [1]  LSARC case 1993/550, C++ ABI, has a specification and an
              opinion, but the opinion is not yet finalized (at this
              writing).  The C++ Object Binary Interface (OBI) has been
              split out of this case.
         [2]  PSARC Packaging opinion 1991/061
         [3]  Tools.h++ case is LSARC/1992/026.  Opinion is
         [4]  Mail discussion for this case is in
              /shared/sac/PSARC/1993/571/mail .
         [5]  SPARCompilers C++ 3.0.1 Programmers Guide, part
              #800-6986-11, is available on-line in the SunPro
              AnswerBook.  The manuals for SPARCompilers C++ 4.0
              SPARCompiler C++ 4.0 User's Guide      801-4727-05
              SPARCompiler C++ 4.0 Language
              System Product Reference Manual        801-4728-05
              Tools.h++ Intro and Reference Manual   801-4317-05
              Object Oriented Programming Article    801-5058-05
              As Close As Possible to C - But No
              Closer Article                         801-5057-05
         [6]  Naming Conventions for Software Packages, Evan Adams, et.
              al., June 21, 1987.  This is available on-line only in
              Interleaf format.  SAC would welcome a conversion to a
              modern form, such as Frame.  The authors are willing to
              send a hardcopy of this document to requesters.
         [7]  Project DOE C++ Programming Style Guide, SunSoft part
              #801-3842, available in
              and the Project DOE C++ Programming Style Guide Quick
              Reference, SunSoft part #801-3967,
              This document includes a Bibliography.  Both documents
              are available in hardcopy from the Copy Center; E-mail
              a request to ``copyrequest at snail.Sun.COM''.
         [8]  PSARC's opinion on Bundling with Solaris
         [9]  PSARC Interface Taxonomy Addition: the Obsolete classification
         [10] The SunOS 5.1 Linker and Libraries Manual, part
              #801-2869-10.  More recent versions may be available
              via AnswerBook (instead of paper).
         [11] The Frequently-Asked-Questions for newsgroup comp.lang.c++
              (in plain ASCII text format, but arguably dated) is in
         Sun Proprietary: Internal Us1.0.3y  LSARC Guidelines for C++
         1.   LSARC case 1993/550.
         2.   In Solaris 10/93, the intention was to bundle the
     from  cafe'; however, due to a last-minute
              change in caf''s name mangling, the bundled libC that
              should match caf' does not, causing incompatibility
              and consternation.  These libC versions are in
              different packages, in the ``all'' cluster.  Starting
              with  4/94,  both  cafe''s and cfront's
     will be moved to  the  ``end-user''
              cluster,  so more  users  will  have  it installed.
              Solaris 2.4 for x86 does not bundle libC, though
              Solaris 2.5 for x86 may.
         3.   But, alas, the that is bundled with  Solaris  2.4
              will  work with C++ 4.0 but won't work with C++ 4.0.1.  The
              latest patch, 101242-06, will work with both  C++
              4.0 and 4.0.1.
         4.  Bundled applications cannot depend on any unbundled
         5.  One  might  derive  all  classes  from   one   that
             implements  new  and delete.  You may want to allow the
             user to override your  implementation,  similar to  the
             way caf''s libC allows the user to override its
             ``default'' implementations.
         6.  Exceptions may be granted by an ARC  for  extremely
             primitive   functionality,   comparable  to  the  C
             library, or for names defined by  standards.   When
             possible, we should influence standards to abide by
             these reasonable naming conventions.
         7.  For instance, the particular compiler that can call a
             library  might  be superseded during the life of that
             library,  and  cease  to  be  sold.   Another version
             of the same problem:  a new compiler might not  be
             readily  accepted  because  some   popular bundled
             library  is  not  yet  released  in a form callable by
             this new compiler.
         8.  The committee  explicitly  defines  ``forever''  to
             mean ``until a major release'' or until the dynamic
             library for  that  binary  interface  is  obsoleted
             using the Obsolete classification process[9].
         9.  Our package installation software will assure  that the
             end-user  has one copy of the dynamic library, but
             not   multiple   instances    in    different
             directories.     Furthermore,    the   installation
             software will accept an  updated  version  of  this
             package  to  replace an older version, but not vice
             versa.  Note that any software  license  agreements
             from  the  original  library  vendor need to permit
             free redistribution of the shared library (but  not
             necessarily any header files, etc.).
         10. As Cris Perdue pointed out, it  is  interesting  to
             note  that  there is no such safeguard for multiple
             versions of the usual system libraries such as  the C
             library,  If Sun would wish to support
             incompatible major versions on  the  same  machine,
             some provision would have to be made.  (Users might
             have to reference the version number explicitly.)
                                        ARC Policies
     1. Applications may be implemented in C++. (See Section 3.)
     2. Libraries may be freely implemented in C++ as long as they only export 
C interfaces.
        (Section 4.)
     3. Libraries implemented in C++ may avoid dependence on the C++ library, 
        Otherwise, they should link dynamically to libC, and perhaps ship the 
required libC
        package. (Sections 4.1, 5.5, and A.3.)
     4. Libraries exporting C++ interfaces are discouraged until they use a 
stable C++ ABI.
        (Section 5.)
     5. A naming convention requires that a library offering a C++ API include 
a compiler
        binary interface identifier in its name, such as libfoo-SC3. (Section 
     6. A packaging convention requires the separation of libraries exporting 
C++ interfaces
        from compiler-independent packages. (Section 5.7.)
     7. Information and advice in these guidelines may be useful for languages 
other than
        C++. Additional advice and reference materials are also provided in the 

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