Thanks Gary and James,

I have updated the man pages and attaching them here for further review.
Also please find updated PSARC material attached with this mail. The 
material include the sample configuration files and updated one_pager & 
the proposal document.

Please review and let me know your comments.

I still have not received any response from the dante maintainers. I 
will start looking into creating a patch that will fix the Solaris 
issues with dante, ofcourse with help from some of you.


James Carlson wrote:
> Gary Winiger writes:
>>      That said, one of the exported interfaces for all PAM applications
>>      is the service name.  Perhaps I missed it in the exported interfaces.
>>      Stability should likely be no lower than Uncommitted.  The service
> Agreed; that's missing.  Looking at the code, that's "sockd" by
> default and can be overridden in the configuration file by using:
>   pamservicename: new-name-here
>>      Furthermore, a project could create a PAM service module just
>>      to handle socks username/password authentication (and account
>>      management) that didn't need to be tied to the hosts passwd(4) and
>>      shadow(4) databases -- that may require no privilege.
> Yes, a future project could do that, but I think doing it would
> actually drain a good part of the usefulness of PAM, at least for this
> project.
> The problem is that administering users (and passwords) in a
> service-specific way scales poorly and is hard to manage.  Even if
> it's not "clean," many administrators would rather have a central
> registry for all users authenticated by the system for all
> applications, so that when a user is added or removed, they don't have
> to hunt down all the places where this data is squirrelled away.
> Having per-service files greatly complicates matters, and virtually
> guarantees that something will be missed when changes are needed.

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