Yes, the kernel code is SPARC-specific.

For example, SPARC does not have the x86-style inb and outb  
instructions.  Access to the chip's I/O space is needed to setup  
memory-mapped accessibility.  The I/O space can be reached from the  
Solaris kernel, but not from useland.

   -- Eric

On Dec 9, 2008, at 6:30 PM, Edward Shu wrote:

> Neal Pollack :
>> On 12/09/08 14:15, Eric Sultan wrote:
>>> Neal Pollack wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>> At a time of pressure to control costs, why is this not common  
>>>> code?  Why are we setting up
>>>> a sparc branch and an existing x86 branch?  Or are the two groups  
>>>> working together to
>>>> merge this support in a common driver (add support for sparc to  
>>>> the existing x86 driver
>>>> and place it in a common branch of the source tree)?
>>> We aren't setting up a separate code branch.  The SPARC code will  
>>> be in the common code base, and
>>> that base will be modified to support SPARC as well as x86.   
>>> During the development cycle, the SPARC
>>> code is separate, but it will be merged into the existing Xorg code.
> Will the kernel code be in X86 system?   I think the kernel code may  
> be SPARC specific.
>>> -- Eric
>> excellent, thanks.
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> Ming.
> ------------------------------------------
> -Edward Shu                                   
> -Solaris x86 Engineering, Sun Microsystems
> -Blog:
> -tele: +86-10-62673100
> __________________________________________

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