Nicolas Williams writes:
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 08:03:18PM +0000, Ceri Davies wrote:
> > You're probably right.  If there are no objections, I can install the
> > mailwrapper binary at /usr/lib/sendmail.
> I think that makes zero difference from a getting-the-docs-right point
> of view, but having /usr/lib/sendmail as a symlink to mailwrapper sure
> does make a difference: it gives those users who would do "ls -l
> /usr/lib/sendmail" a mega-clue as to what manpage to read.

That's precisely the problem I was pointing out.

The sendmail(1M) man page documents the /usr/lib/sendmail interface.
If that's to become mailwrapper (and I agree it should!), then it's
_wrong_ to have that man page document something other than

You're assuming that users will do "ls -l /usr/lib/sendmail", see the
mailwrapper link, and then stumble onto the mailwrapper(1M) man page.

I'm assuming that the user invokes "man sendmail" first, and we tell
him exactly what the interface does (it's not anymore),
and that we point him in the right direction from there.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <james.d.carlson at>
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