Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> Eric Sultan wrote:
>> I'm sponsoring this case for Charmaine Lee.  This project delivers an
>> xorg,conf file required to support Sun SPARC graphics devices.
 > I'm on vacation this week, so not following all my e-mail closely, but
 > I don't see any justification for why SPARC needs an xorg.conf by
 > default
 > instead of following the x86 model of autoconfiguring by default with
 > no xorg.conf file.
 > If you must have an xorg.conf, how are you going to keep it in sync
 > with changes to Xorg that would require updates to the defaults?
 > I'd recommend this case be withdrawn, and the defaults set correctly
 > in
 > the Xorg binary, as we do on x86, and as the X server team has always
 > believed we'd be doing on SPARC as well, until this case surprised us.

I fully agree with Alan... please withdraw this case.



   __ .  . __
  (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
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