Dan Price wrote:
> My thought is that we should revamp all of the interactive shell defaults
> to have consistent (across the shells) and excellent default interactive
> settings, with useful prompts and default behaviors whereever possible.
> And yes, we should do so judiciously, with all due deliberation.  Would
> you defend:
> bash-3.00$       (bash)
> or
> >                (tcsh)
> as a reasonable default prompt for a shell suitable for an interactive
> user?  "bash-3.00$" is the kind of crapola we wind up with when we follow
> the policy of "none" (bash and tcsh shown, respectively).

I agree that an unified and plugable configuration for the shells would
be nice... for example (SuSE) Linux links /etc/ksh.kshrc to
/etc/bash.bashrc and the adds some "if;then;fi"-statements to handle the
differences between the shells (well, I would prefer to make
/etc/bash.bashrc a link to /etc/ksh.kshrc ... :-) ) ...
... and Linux has /etc/profile.d/ which contains small shell script
fragments sourced by the matching shells as part of the /etc/profile
I think we should either adopt this or work together with SuSE+LSB to
create something like /etc/env.d/ (which should work similar as
/etc/profile.d/ but covers at least:
- login shell startup files
- interactive shell startup scripts
- logout scripts
) ...



P.S.: I've set the Reply-To: header to shell-discuss at opensolaris.org
since this is the list where this should be discussed...

  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at nrubsig.org
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
  /O /==\ O\  TEL +49 641 7950090
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