On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:51:32AM -0700, Garrett D'Amore wrote:

> The second concern pertained to the fact that  for  some  of
> those same options, the presence of an argument is optional.
> The members present felt that while such an "optional  argu-
> ment"  might be ambiguous for a short flag, for long options
> there is no ambiguity (because of the separating  "="),  and
> hence the behavior is acceptable.

Long options aren't required to be separated from their option arguments
with an equals sign, though they can be -- they can also be separated by a

    /usr/gnu/bin/ls --sort none


    /usr/gnu/bin/ls --sort=none

are equivalent.  Perhaps long options and optional arguments can only be
separated by an equals sign?  Certainly ls --help indicates that only
--color takes an optional argument, and it cannot be separated from the
option with a space, but I don't know if this holds true in general.


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