John Plocher writes:
> Ali Bahrami wrote:
> > Note that there are two emacs variants in wide use, GNU emacs,
> > and Xemacs. This case is for GNU emacs only.
> >      SUNWemacs
> >      SUNWemacs-el
> >      SUNWemacs-x
> >      SUNWemacs-nox
> Given that there will probably also be a call for having Xemacs,
> wouldn't it be better to use package names that make it obvious
> which one this is?  Maybe SUNWgnuemacs or  GNUemacs or ....

It probably shouldn't be "GNUemacs," unless Mr. GNU is building the

A deeper question is the value of integrating something that we know
from the outset will be essentially a frozen snapshot dust collector
due to Sun's internal legal issues.  Wouldn't it be better to have
someone outside of Sun who isn't afraid of GPLv3 do the work?

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <james.d.carlson at>
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