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Shi-Ying Irene Huang wrote:
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.66 04/17/08 SMI
> This information is Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>        graphviz for OpenSolaris
>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>        Author:  Dermot McCluskey
>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>       02 August, 2008
> 4. Technical Description
> 1. Introduction
>    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>       graphviz 2.20.2
>    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>       Dermot McCluskey
>    1.3. Date of This Document:
>       30/07/08
>    1.3.1. Date this project was conceived:
>       03/06/08
>    1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s):
>       1.4.1. The PAC or CPT you expect to review your project:
>               Solaris PAC
>       1.4.2. The ARC(s) you expect to review your project:
>               LSARC
>       1.4.3. The Director/VP who is "Sponsoring" this project:
>               robert.odea at
>       1.4.4. The name of your business unit:
>               New Solaris Group/Desktop
>    1.5. Email Aliases:
>       1.5.1. Responsible Manager:
>               tom.garland at
>       1.5.2. Responsible Engineer:
>               dermot.mccluskey at
>       1.5.3. Marketing Manager:
>               glynn.foster at
>       1.5.4. Interest List:
>               desktop-discuss at
> 4. Technical Description:
>     4.1. Details:
>       Graphviz is an open-source graph visualization application.  It
>       includes a set of layout programs and libraries that take text
>       representations of graphs and output them in one of several graphical
>       file formats.  It also includes tools for displaying and editing the
>       graphs.
>       It can be used stand-alone, but is typically used by other
>       applications, such as the documentation generator doxygen, where it
>       is used to generate class hierarchy diagrams.
>       Graphviz accepts input in the DOT Language format, a simple
>       plaintext format for representating graphs.  A trivial example
>       might be:
>               graph example
>               {
>                       a -- b;
>                       a -- c;
>               }
>       which represents an undirected graph where object `a' is connected
>       to object `b' and also to object `c'.
>       The main graph-drawing filter program is called `dot', which draws
>       directed graphs (with directional arrows between connected objects).
>       In addition, there are four other graph-drawing programs:
>               neato - filter for drawing undirected graphs
>               twopi - filter for radial layouts of graphs
>               circo - filter for circular layout of graphs
>               fdp - filter for drawing undirected graphs
>       These are all implemented as symlinks to `dot'.
>       Graphviz also provides the following programs for manipulating graphs:
>               acyclic - make directed graph acyclic
>               bcomps - biconnected components filter for graphs
>               ccomps - connected components filter for graphs
>               diffimg - diff two graph images
>               dijkstra - single-source distance filter
>               gxl2dot,dot2gxl - GXL-DOT converters
>                       (dot2gxl is a symlink to gxl2dot)
>               dotty - A Customizable Graph Editor
>               gc - count graph components
>               gvcolor - flow colors through a ranked digraph
>               gvpack - merge and pack disjoint graphs
>               gvpr - graph pattern scanning and processing language
>               lefty - A Programmable Graphics Editor
>               lneato - A Customizable Graph Editor
>               nop - pretty-print graph file
>               prune - Prune directed graphs
>               sccmap - extract strongly connected components
>               tred - transitive reduction filter for directed graphs
>               unflatten - improve layout aspect ratio
>       Scripting support is provided for the following languages:
>               Perl
>               Python
>               Tcl (and Tk)
>       Dot uses an extensible plugin mechanism for its output renderers.  The
>       file /usr/lib/graphviz/config defines which formats are available.
>       If additional, supported file format libraries are installed, `dot -c`
>       can be run to rebuild the config file to include the new format.
>       This proposal will add graphviz version 2.20.2, the latest stable
>       version.
>     4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):
>       None.
>     4.3. In Scope:
>       See above.
>     4.4. Out of Scope:
>       See above.
>     4.5. Interfaces:
>       --------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Exported                                Stability       Comments
>       --------------------------------------------------------------------
>       SUNWgraphviz                            Uncommitted
>       SUNWgraphviz-devel                      Uncommitted
>       /usr/bin/acyclic                        Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/bcomps                         Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/ccomps                         Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/circo                          Uncommitted     Symlink
>       /usr/bin/diffimg                        Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/dijkstra                       Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/dot                            Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/dot2gxl                        Uncommitted     Symlink
>       /usr/bin/dotty                          Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/fdp                            Uncommitted     Symlink
>       /usr/bin/gc                             Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/gvcolor                        Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/gvpack                         Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/gvpr                           Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/gxl2dot                        Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/lefty                          Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/lneato                         Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/neato                          Uncommitted     Symlink
>       /usr/bin/nop                            Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/prune                          Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/sccmap                         Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/tred                           Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/bin/twopi                          Uncommitted     Symlink
>       /usr/bin/unflatten                      Uncommitted     Command
>       /usr/include/graphviz/                  Uncommitted     Directory of
>                                                               header files
>       /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libagraph.pc         Uncommitted
>       /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libcdt.pc            Uncommitted
>       /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libcgraph.pc         Uncommitted
>       /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libgraph.pc          Uncommitted
>       /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libgvc.pc            Uncommitted
>       /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libpathplan.pc       Uncommitted
>       /usr/lib/graphviz/config                Uncommitted     Plugin config
>                                                               file
>                           Uncommitted     SONAME
>                             Uncommitted     SONAME
>                          Uncommitted     SONAME
>                           Uncommitted     SONAME
>                             Uncommitted     SONAME
>                        Uncommitted     SONAME
>       /usr/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4/sun4-solaris-64int/
>                                               Uncommitted     Perl extension
>       /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/  Uncommitted     Python extension
>       /usr/lib/tcl8.4/graphviz/pkgIndex.tcl   Uncommitted     Tcl extension
>       --------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Imported        Stability               Comments
>       --------------------------------------------------------------------
>       libgd           Uncommitted             PSARC 2007/166
>       zlib            Uncommitted             PSARC 2006/537
>       libpng          Evolving                LSARC 2003/568
>       libjpeg         Evolving                LSARC 2003/085
>       Tcl/Tk          Uncommitted             PSARC 2007/317
>       libtool         Uncommitted (Obsolete)  PSARC 2007/557
>       GNOME           Various                 LSARC 2008/207
>       Python          External                PSARC 2005/532
>       Perl            Evolving                PSARC 2003/661
>       freetype        External                LSARC 2005/397
>       libexpat        Volatile                LSARC 2007/378
>     4.6. Doc Impact:
>       Graphviz includes over 30 community provided man pages covering almost
>       all the commands, libraries and script-language extensions plus an
>       overall introductory man page.  The only missing man page is for the
>       diffimg command, for which a Sun provided man page will be written.
>       There are also additional community provided user docs in HTML and PDF
>       and demo programs.
>     4.7. Admin/Config Impact:
>       "dot -c" may be run (by a user with write permission for
>       /usr/lib/graphviz/config) to re-generate the graphviz plugin
>       configuration file.  This would typically be done when new software
>       that provides one of the supported graphical formats is installed.
>     4.8. HA Impact:
>       None.
>     4.9. I18N/L10N Impact:
>       The JDS and G11N teams are working together to evaluate and
>       provide I18N/L10N support.
>     4.10. Packaging & Delivery:
>         Adds two new packages, SUNgraphviz (approx 15 Mb) and
>       SUNWgraphviz-devel (approv 3 Mb).
>     4.11. Security Impact:
>       None.
>     4.12. Dependencies:
>       Graphviz depends of the software listed in the Imported
>       Interfaces section.
>       ARC contracts are already in place between the suppliers of freetype
>       and libexpat and other components in JDS.  The contract owners have
>       been contacted regarding updating those contracts to include
>       graphviz as a consumer.
> 5. Reference Documents:
>                       The Graphviz homepage
>       PSARC 2007/166  Including LibGD with Solaris
>       PSARC 2006/537  zlib 1.2.3
>       LSARC 2005/397  FreeType 2.1.10
>       LSARC 2003/568  update to libpng
>       LSARC 2003/085  libtiff, libjpeg and libpng
>       LSARC 2007/378  update libexpat to 2.0.0 and move to /usr
>       PSARC 2007/317  Tcl/Tk upgrade to 8.4.14
>       PSARC 2007/557  GNU libtool 1.5.22
>       LSARC 2008/207  GNOME 2.22
>       PSARC 2005/532  Python migration from /usr/sfw to /usr and upgrade ...
>       PSARC 2003/661  Update Perl to version 5.8.x
>                       ARC contract for libexpat
>                       ARC contract for freetype
> 6. Resources and Schedule
>     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>       6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>               Desktop
>     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>     6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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