> I am sponsoring this fasttrack for myself, and have
> set the timeout to
> Thursday, Sept. 13.   It requests a patch release
> binding.
> This project enhances the X server to allow the
> MIT-SHM extension to operate
> between clients in non-global zones and the X server
> in the global zone.
It's obvious enough that I would expect the answer is "yes", but since
I don't see it explicitly stated, has this been coordinated with those
involved in Trusted Solaris (who might want to be assured it raises no new
issues for them)?  And what about lx branded zones (the common enough
case of running Linux acroread X client in an lx zone on x86, with display-back
to global zone X server)?  Esp. keeping in mind efforts to expand the latter
to have 64-bit executable support as well...

Also, if there's an explicit mention of whether this applies only to Xorg, or
to both Xorg and Xsun, I must have missed it.

Just seems to me that there are some elements to the scope of this that
weren't stated outright.
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