On Fri, 2009-01-16 at 17:38 +0530, Muktha Narayan wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Mark Phalan wrote: 
> > On Wed, 2009-01-14 at 15:50 -0800, Mark Carlson wrote:
> >   
> > > 4. Technical Description:
> > > 
> > >    Elinks is a program for browsing the web in text mode. It is an
> > >    advanced and well-established feature-rich text mode web browser.
> > >    Elinks can render both frames and tables and is highly customizable.
> > >    It is quite portable and runs on a variety of platforms.
> > >     
> > 
> > What optional features will be compiled in (from features.conf)?
> >   
> The default features.conf of the community source base has not been
> modified and the features compiled are:
>    1) Bookmarks
>    2) XBEL Bookmarks
>    3) Cookies
>    4) Form History
>    5) Global History
>    6) Mailcap
>    7) Mimetypes
>    8) IPV6 support
>    9) URI rewrite
>    10) Data URI
>    11) FTP
>    12) CSS
>    13) ECMAScript
>    14) Mouse
>    15) LEDs
>    16) Document Marks
>    17) Backtrace printing

Did you consider compiling with 256 color support? It makes for a much
nicer elinks when running in xterm or gnome-terminal.



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