Obviously I can't do a global search and replace very well :-(
Resend with all occurrences of /usr/compilers replaced with /usr/suncc.


Douglas Walls wrote:
> Raj,
> Here is the updated case for: Bundled Compiler Collection
> [LSARC/2009/017].  I believe all the issues relevant to the proposal have
> been addresses.
> Thanks, Douglas
> ------------------
> There is only one change in this revision of the case, the name of the
> directory into which the bundled compiler collection components are
> installed has been changed to "/usr/suncc".
> As noted with the last update of the the proposal, this project is to
> bundle the Sun C and C++ compilers and dbx into Nevada so to make them
> available as the default set of compilers for any distribution of
> Solaris.  Their relationship to the unbundled compilers of Sun Studio,
> how Sun Studio compilers install into versioned directories and how the
> Sun Studio compilers can install links to override the default compilers
> is explained.  How to manipulate $PATH to specify a default compiler is 
> well
> known and not discussed in the proposal.
> ============================================
Template Version: @(#)onepager.txt 1.35 07/11/07 SMI
Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems

1. Introduction
    1.1. Project/Component Working Name: Bundled Compiler Collection

    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
         Douglas Walls (Douglas.Walls at Sun.COM>

    1.3. Date of This Document: 1/14/2009
         1.3.1. Date this project was conceived: 10/2008

    1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s): OpenSolaris
         1.4.1. The PAC or CPT you expect to review your project: SPDE PAC
         1.4.2. The ARC(s) you expect to review your project: LSARC
         1.4.3. The Director/VP who is "Sponsoring" this project: Kurt.Goebel 
at Sun.Com
         1.4.4. The name of your business unit: CODE (C/C++ Compilers, 
Optimization, and Debugger)

    1.5. Email Aliases:
         1.5.1. Responsible Manager: Kurt Goebel <Kurt.Goebel at Sun.COM>
         1.5.2. Responsible Engineer: Douglas Walls <Douglas.Walls at Sun.COM>
         1.5.3. Marketing Manager: Ikroop Dhillon <Ikroop.Dhillon at sun.com>
        1.5.4. Interest List: tools-compilers at opensolaris.org

2. Project Summary
    2.1. Project Description:

        The project will deliver C, C++ and dbx from the current Sun
        Studio Express release into Nevada through the devpro
        consolidation.  The intent is to bundle Sun compilers into
        /usr.  We are not bundling all of Sun Studio.  This collection
        only contains C and C++ compilers along with their debugger,

    2.2. Risks and Assumptions:
         No known risks or assumptions at this time.

3. Business Summary
    3.1. Problem Area:
         Default compilers on OpenSolaris
         Default compilers bundled with all distribution of Solaris

    3.2. Market/Requester:

    3.3. Business Justification:
         Encourage FOSS inclusion into OpenSolaris repositories by
         minimizing compiler-related porting effort.

         Provide a bundled set of compilers for any distribution of Solaris.

        The target customers are people building software on Solaris
        Nevada derived distributions.  Not necessarily people building
        Solaris itself.  The culture of Nevada is for consolidations to
        deliver the latest semi-stable development builds, which are
        periodically updated.  This closely matches the Sun Studio
        Express release cycle.

    3.4. Competitive Analysis:
         Main competitors:  Platforms & Tool Suite Offerings
         - Red Hat: GCC (bundled and supported)
         - Windows: Microsoft Visual Studio (unbundled)
         - MacOS: Xcode (gcc-based), LLVM effort

    3.5. Opportunity Window/Exposure:
         04/2009 to coincide with the next release of OpenSolaris.

    3.6. How will you know when you are done?:
         The project will be on-going always tracking the latest express
         release of Sun Studio C, C++ and dbx

4. Technical Description:
     4.1. Details:

        - The design of the Sun compilers precludes just installing
          them into /usr/bin, /usr/lib, etc. without significant
          redesign.  We need a location into which to install the
          compiler components, with symlinks to those components
          installed in /usr/bin and /usr/share/man.  The delivery will
          install the bundled compiler collection components into
          /usr/suncc/{bin,lib,...}, with symlinks in /usr/bin and
          /usr/share/man.  We chose the name 'suncc' to intentionally
          indicate these are the default|builtin|preferred|bundled
          compilers.  There will not be multiple versions of the bundled
          compilers, there will only be one set of bundled compilers.
          Versions of the unbundled Sun Studio will continue to install
          into /opt, i.e. /opt/SSXYYYY.MM, /opt/sunstudio13,
          /opt/sunstudio14, etc.. Note Sun Studio also provides an
          optional package for installing links in /usr/bin and
          /usr/share/man, these would then override the links of this
          bundled compiler as it does previously installed versions of
          Sun Studio.

        - The first delivery will be the C, C++ and dbx components of
          Sun Studio Express 2008.11 release..

         - Links will be created in /usr/bin, e.g. /usr/bin/cc,
           /usr/bin/CC, /usr/bin/dbx, etc., to point to the appropriate
           binaries /usr/suncc.

         - Links will be created in /usr/man, e.g. /usr/man/man1/cc,
           /usr/man/man1/CC, /usr/man/man1/dbx, etc., to
           point to man pages in /usr/suncc/man/man1.

     4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):
         Not applicable.

     4.3. In Scope:
         - C, C++ compilers and dbx

     4.4. Out of Scope:

     4.5. Interfaces:

         The following soft links will be created in /usr/bin to point to
         the appropriate binaries of /usr/suncc/bin.  We
         may choose to omit some of these links which do not contribute
         to minimizing compiler-related porting efforts to encourage FOSS
         inclusion into OpenSolaris repositories.


     4.6. Doc Impact:

         Links will be created in /usr/share/man/* for the following man pages:


     4.7. Admin/Config Impact:
         No change.

     4.8. HA Impact:
         No change.

     4.9. I18N/L10N Impact:
         Sun Studio C/C++/dbx Collection is I18N
         L10N to be coordinated with Nevada L10N

     4.10. Packaging & Delivery:
         Name                    Stability               Notes
         ====                    =========               =====
         SUNWcompilers           Committed               C/C++/dbx core cluster
         SUNWcompilerlinks       Committed               C/C++/dbx /usr/bin 
/usr/man links

     4.11. Security Impact:
         No impact.

     4.12. Dependencies:
         SUNWlibC C++ stdlibs
         SUNWlibms limtsk, etc.
         SUNWcar Core Architecture, (Root)
         SUNWcsd Core Solaris Devices
         SUNWcsr Core Solaris, (Root)
         SUNWcsu Core Solaris, (Usr)
         SUNWesu Extended System Utilities
         SUNWhea Header files
         SUNWkvm Core Architecture, (Kvm)
         SUNWtoo Programming Tools

5. Reference Documents:
         LSARC/2008/776  GNU Developer Collection
         LSARC/2006/280  Tools DVD for S10u2
         PSARC/2007/074  /usr/gnu
           Established precedent of having program visible by multiple names.

6. Resources and Schedule:
    6.1. Projected Availability:
         April 2009 to coincide with OpenSolaris 2009.04

    6.2. Cost of Effort:
         .5 developers.

    6.3. Cost of Capital Resources:
         No additional capital resources were required.

    6.4. Product Approval Committee requested information:
         6.4.1. Consolidation or Component Name:
         6.4.3. Type of CPT Review and Approval expected:
         6.4.4. Project Boundary Conditions:

         6.4.5. Is this a necessary project for OEM agreements:
         6.4.6. Notes:

         6.4.7. Target RTI Date/Release:
         6.4.8. Target Code Design Review Date:

         6.4.9. Update approval addition:
                 - SPDE PAC scheduling in progress
                 - Solaris PAC scheduling in progress

    6.5. ARC review type:

    6.6. ARC Exposure:
         6.6.1. Rationale:
           Not applicable.

7. Prototype Availability:
    7.1. Prototype Availability:
         Not applicable.

    7.2. Prototype Cost:
         Not Applicable.

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