I am sponsoring this case for Sunanda Menon.  It introduces MySQL 5.1
(incl. dtrace probes) support. Timeout set to Feb.6.  

Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase %I% %G% SMI
This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
1. Introduction
    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
         Including MySQL 5.1 with Solaris
    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
         Author:  Sunanda Menon
    1.3  Date of This Document:
        30 January, 2009
4. Technical Description
Including MySQL 5.1 with Solaris

15 January, 2009

1. Summary and motivation
1.1. Introduction

This FastTrack delivers MySQL 5.1 as a component in OpenSolaris SFW 
consolidation. From the MySQL HomePage,"The MySQL Server 5.1 software
is the most reliable, secure and up-to-date version of the world's
most popular open source database for cost-effectively delivering
E-commerce,Online Transaction Processing OLTP), and multi-terabyte
data warehousing applications."

MySQL Server 5.1 delivers new enterprise features, including:

*Partitioning: This capability enables distributing portions of 
individual tables across a filesystem, according to rules which 
can be set when the table is created.

*Row-based replication: Replication capabilities in MySQL originally
were based on propagation of SQL statements from master to slave. 
This is called statement-based replication. As of MySQL 5.1.5,
another basis for replication is available. This is called row-based 

*Plugin API: MySQL 5.1 adds support for a very flexible plugin API 
that enables loading and unloading of various components at runtime,
without restarting the server.

*Server log tables: Before MySQL 5.1, the server writes general query 
log and slow query log entries to log files. As of MySQL 5.1, the 
server's logging capabilities for these logs are more flexible.

*MySQL Cluster replication: Replication between MySQL Clusters is now
supported.It is now also possible to replicate between a MySQL Cluster 
and a non-cluster database.

*Improved backups for MySQL Cluster: A fault arising in a single data 
node during a Cluster backup no longer causes the entire backup to be
aborted, as observed in previous versions of MySQL Cluster.

This FastTrack proposes the integration of the most recent stable 
release of MySQL 5.1 into OpenSolaris

This case seeks minor release binding.

1.2 Previous Relevant ARC cases

LSARC 2007/608 - Including MySQL 5.0 with Solaris
LSARC 2008/150 - Include 64-bit /Connectors ARC Case

2. Technical details
2.1 MySQL Objects

MySQL objects are essentially the same as those in 5.0 with the path 
prefix simply changing from [/usr|/etc|/var]/mysql/5.0] to 
[[/usr|/etc|/var]/mysql/5.1], the only addition being a symbolic link 
/usr/bin/mysql -> /usr/mysql/5.1/bin/mysql to put the MySQL CLI client 
in the user's default search path. Users should note that the symbolic 
links are meant for writing scripts or such and also for the convenience 
of the CLI users typing in by hand. By using the symbolic links in scripts 
or such, the users need not change their scripts even when the underlying
MySQL version changes.

The detailed directory and file layout for MySQL5.1 is provided in Addendum 1.

2.2 SMF

We will deliver the smf metafile and the smf startup script which is
same as in MySQL 5.0. MySQL server for two different versions (5.0 and
5.1) can coexist based on the instance name (version_50 and version_51
respectively ). MySQL server by default runs on port 3306. To run
another instance of the mysql server, the port number and the unix
socket filename should be changed.

3. Manual Pages.

MySQL provides a man page, which will be delivered in the
appropriate man directory, [/usr/mysql/[<version>.<subversion>]/man].
Man page for MySQL5.1 will be suitably modified to include the addition
of dtrace probes. A symbolic link will be created from the default Solaris
location for the MySQL man page (mysql_51) as shown.
/usr/share/man/man1/mysql_51.1 -> /usr/mysql/5.1/man/man1/mysql_51.1

4. Packaging and Delivery

We will package MySQL under the following packages:

SUNWmysql51u           - usr Server package (including server
                         deamon, C API, man pages,symbolic links, I18N)

SUNWmysql51r           - root (config,smf files and data directory)

SUNWmysql51test        - MySQL test packages

SUNWmysql51lib         - Package for MySQL libraries

MySQL tests and sql-bench directories are bundled in a separate package. 
They are not necessary for running MySQL, but have packages for users 
to run a simple performance test, and also contain examples on using 
the client api's. They are also part of the standard MySQL distribution. 
The MySQL client libraries are currently separated into the SUNWmysql51lib 
package to allow for a smaller download size, and disk footprint for upstack
products like PHP.

5. Coexistence

Multiple versions can coexist, and are distinguished by the version 
("5" for version 5.0 ,"51" is for version 5.1). Coexistence of 
different version in OpenSolaris is ensured on package level through 
different package names (Example SUNWmysql5u for 5.0, SUNWmysql51u 
for 5.1, etc.), and with different install paths for each package. 
To run another instance of mysql server, change the port number and 
the socket file name from the default 3306 and /tmp/mysql.sock 
respectively. For details refer 

Coexistence of 5.0 and 5.1 in OpenSolaris has been chosen to allow 
users to test and migrate their applications from 5.0 to 5.1, instead 
of forcing an immediate upgrade. Although the changes between 5.0 and 
5.1 should not cause problems for most applications, all users should 
ensure the compatibility of their databases and applications before 
performing the upgrade.

5.1 Upgrade

You cannot use 5.0 DB files natively in 5.1 without running the 
upgrade procedure. Because of changes to the MySQL system tables, 
you cannot natively run MySQL 5.1 on a 5.0 database. Instead, you 
must test, and if necessary, update the native database files using 
the upgrade script provided (mysql_upgrade). Before starting the Upgrade, 
the user is advised to take a backup of the existing DB. 
Upgrade from MySQL 5.0 to 5.1 can be done in two different ways. Though 
Option2 is the safe and most preferred way to do the upgrade, Option1 
is equally supported for small databases.

        Install 5.1

        Stop the 5.0 server

        copy DB files manually from 5.0 to 5.1 datadir

        Run mysql_upgrade script

        Start the 5.1 server

        Install 5.1

        Take a mysqldump of 5.0 datadir

        Restore dump onto 5.1 datadir

        Run mysql_upgrade

        Start the 5.1 server

For more details on Upgrade refer


6. MySQL Interfaces

MySQL is a mature product and the interfaces are stable and has
been available for a long time in the open source community as 
well as an established product.

This section documents new interfaces introduced by this project.
Other Interfaces for MySQL have been listed in previous MySQL 5.0 ARC case

NAME                                                    STABILITY
/usr/bin/mysql symlink                                  Volatile
svc:/application/database/mysql:version_51              Committed
/lib/svc/method/mysql_51                                Project Private
/var/svc/manifest/application/database/mysql_51.xml     Project Private
MySQL 5.1 Package Names                                 Uncommitted (s.4)

dTrace probes for MySQL                                 Volatile
                               query-parse-start(char *query)
                               query-parse-done(char *query)
                               query-cache-hit(char *query)
                               query-cache-miss(char *query)
                               query-exec-start(char *query)
                               query-exec-done(char *query)
                               select-start(char *query)
                               insert-start(char *query)
                               insert-select-start(char *query)
                               update-start(char *query)
                               multi-update-start(char *query)
                               delete-start(char *query)
                               multi-delete-start(char *query)

The dtrace probes are labelled as "Volatile" for now because they are
(a) not finalized and (b) not in the MySQL 5.1 source tree yet. They are
stable and working but are not part of standard release. We are using a
patch into the 5.1 source code. The dtrace documentation is a 
work-in-progress now and should be made available when the bits are
officially released.

7. References
[1] http://www.mysql.com or http://dev.mysql.com


Addendum 1: MySQL Integration Directory and File Structure.

1. The following files are included in the MySQL integration

(except the mysql-test and sql-bench files):






































































































































































































































/usr/share/man/man1/mysql_51.1 -> /usr/mysql/5.1/man/man1/mysql_51.1

/usr/bin/mysql ->/usr/mysql/5.1/bin/mysql

/usr/mysql/bin ->/usr/mysql/5.1/bin

/usr/mysql/docs ->/usr/mysql/5.1/docs

/usr/mysql/include ->/usr/mysql/5.1/include

/usr/mysql/lib ->/usr/mysql/5.1/lib

/usr/mysql/man ->/usr/mysql/5.1/man

/usr/mysql/mysql-test ->/usr/mysql/5.1/mysql-test

/usr/mysql/share ->/usr/mysql/5.1/share

/usr/mysql/sql-bench ->/usr/mysql/5.1/sql-bench







/etc/mysql/my.cnf ->/etc/mysql/5.1/my.cnf

/var/mysql/data ->/var/mysql/5.1/data










64 bit files (sparcv9 listing only, exact same for amd64):

/usr/mysql/5.1/bin/64 -> /usr/mysql/5.1/bin/sparcv9



































































6. Resources and Schedule
    6.4. Steering Committee requested information
        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
    6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
    6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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