Hi James,

Pl. check attached the manpages for xsdlib. Let me know if I need to do any

~Vivek R. Titarmare

-----Original Message-----
From: James.Walker at Sun.COM [mailto:james.wal...@sun.com] 
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2009 1:16 AM
To: Mark A. Carlson
Cc: Vivek Titarmare; LSARC-ext at sun.com
Subject: Re: [Fwd: xsdlib - Sun Java SML routines [LSARC/2009/046 FastTrack
timeout 02/03/2009]]

Mark A. Carlson wrote:
> Jim Walker wrote:
> ...
>> Since you are going into SFW, man pages are required.
> How is that an Architectural issue?

It's not if you have another means to convey the
spec information like you do here with javadocs,
but, since SFW requires man pages anyway it would
be good to provide the man pages too.

> What would the man page document that the Javadocs don't?

For java pkgs the man pages typically just provide a
description and point to the javadocs, for example:

SBLIMCIMClient [LSARC/2009/025]


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