Garrett D'Amore wrote:

>> if you click of one of the search results in command assistant then a 
>> browser window will open and bring you to the corresponding document. 
>> It's the same thing as with google. You see all the results and then 
>> you click on the ones where you are interested in. And then you see 
>> the full document. The search results in the app are always just an 
>> intermediate step, they are hardly useful by them selfs. I may sound 
>> like a broken record, but it's just like any other search engine.
> But its not.  The search engine is entered like a browser ... its 
> entered into as a desktop app.  Actually, if you used a server based 
> technology and the user saw he was in a web browser when he typed his 
> search results, with the attendant expectations, it would probably not 
> be a big deal.  And, you wouldn't need to come to PSARC either (most 
> likely). :-)

after using this application a single time a user will know very well 
how to use it and what the results are. It's really obvious.

> I'm not sure if its architectural, but the issue is the process -- who 
> makes the decision about whether a document will be indexed or not?

I'm sure this is not architectural. As in most projects the project lead 
has the final say. If that's an issue then we should maybe discuss it 
with the ogb. I believe psarc is not the right place.

> What happens if Sun decides to stop funding the work to support third 
> party document contributions?

What do you mean by "funding to support third party contributions"? We 
have no plans to fund third party contributions. We'll be happy to 
accept contributions but we are not going to fund them.

> If the infrastructure were hosted externally  (on 
> instead of, with the ability for external parties to 
> participate in the administration and decision making, then you wouldn't 
> be hearing these complaints from me.

I don't think the community has root access to and can 
run an application server, or upload a web container. If that's the case 
then we'd love to learn more about it.

>>>> Can you elaborate a bit more what you mean by "manage"? Typically 
>>>> the community does not manage the opensolaris infrastructure, like 
>>>> bugtracker, mailing lists, and so forth. Where do you see a specific 
>>>> need here?
>>>> I don't see any architectural constraints that would prohibit a 
>>>> future closer community involvement. I would just like to postpone 
>>>> this discussion until the community shows interest and tells us how 
>>>> they would like to get involved.
>>> If the service is managed exclusively by Sun, without any way for the 
>>> community to be involved, then its really just a Sun project and not 
>>> an OpenSolaris project.
>> can you elaborate what you mean by "manage"? As described above the 
>> community is very well able to get involved.
> They can't exercise any administrative control over any of the content.  
> The infrastructure is run totally at the whim of SMI.

to my best knowledge they can't exercise any administrative control over either.

> Btw, since its hosted on, perhaps the graphic in the 
> toolbar should say "" instead of "". :-)

We should remove that string altogether and replace it with "search" or 
something that better describes the function. But that's a completely 
different story.

Going further I'd rather like to concentrate on any outstanding 
architectural issues.

- Christof

> These details may not be important to you, but rest assured that I've 
> heard from a number of community members that this *kind* of issue (not 
> necessarily this case in particular) is very important to them.
>    -- Garrett

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