
This project appears to be deprecating the sdtaudiocontrol
application in a Patch release of Solaris and removing it in
a Minor release of Solaris.  Correct?  If so then the interface
is Obsolete Uncommitted.  What about the SADA mixer framework?
Are you doing the same for it as well?



On Mon, 2009-02-09 at 07:46, Garrett D'Amore - sun microsystems wrote:
> I'm filing this on my own behalf.  While the proposal is for EOF of a
> closed source bit (sdtaudiocontrol), I think its fair for the
> discussion to be in the open, so the case is left open.  The timeout
> is set for Feb 16, 2009.  Thanks.
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase %I% %G% SMI
> This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>        EOF sdtaudiocontrol
>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>        Author:  Garrett D'Amore
>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>       09 February, 2009
> 4. Technical Description
> EOF sdtaudiocontrol
> -------------------
> Garrett D'Amore
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> Jan 26, 2009
> Executive Summary:
> ----
> As part of the Boomer project (PSARC 2008/318), we would like to EOF the
> CDE application called sdtaudiocontrol, in favor of the
> gnome-volume-control application.
> Details:
> ----
> 1) sdtaudiocontrol is part of CDE, and is not delivered with
> Gnome/JDS.  Hence it is unavailable on OpenSolaris, and, we believe,
> ultimately doomed with the rest of CDE.  (Although it was explicitly
> exempted from the rest of the CDE EOF in LSARC 2007/648.)
> 2) sdtaudiocontrol is the sole consumer of a number of APIs in the
> SADA mixer framework.  The Boomer project would prefer not to have to
> support those APIs.
> 3) The mixer APIs that sdtaudiocontrol uses are not expressive enough
> to support the full richness that the Boomer project can support
> (e.g. multichannel volume control, additional input and output ports,
> etc.)  Another example are devices that can support multiple
> simultaneous monitors with independent gain control -- legacy Sun
> mixer APIs simply cannot express such a notion.
> 4) Updating sdtaudiocontrol to support use the OSS APIs is possible,
> but would take considerable effort.  Additionally, the Boomer
> implemenation of the OSS APIs would need to be enhanced to support
> per-application volume controls.
> 5) The gnome-volume-control can do nearly everything that
> sdtaudiocontrol does, and can support (with a suitable Gstreamer
> plugin), complete device control, including all of the features Boomer
> will deliver.  gnome-volume-control will operate on systems with CDE.
> 6) The Boomer project has already indicated that applications which
> wish to adjust master hardware settings will have to be converted to
> use OSS v4.x APIs that are supplied with Boomer.  Applications using the Sun
> API will impact only a "soft volume" associated with the application, and not
> have any effect on the global hardware levels.
> Proposed Solution:
> ----
> We propose to EOF sdtaudiocontrol altogether, along with a number of
> the APIs of which it is the sole consumer.  (These are the APIs to
> query and change individual application volumes.)  Any remaining mixer
> and audio API will be altered in accordance with Boomer, such that
> applications built upon them will only be able to impact their own
> "per application" soft volume.
> Possible Concerns:
> ----
> 1) gnome-volume-control (today at least) has nothing akin to the
> "application volume control" that sdtaudiocontrol offers.  Such a
> feature could be added if it is deemed required.  (This would
> potentially significantly complicate gnome-volume-control, since
> applications can come and go, hence the set of controls offered would
> need to be much more dynamic that it currently is.  There are other
> issues even with sdtaudiocontrol's use of this feature, since many
> applications perform their own "soft volume" attenuation in the
> application such that no mixer application will ever be able to
> synchronize properly.)  In the short run, we are proposing not to
> deliver this feature.  (Again, note that this feature is not available
> on OpenSolaris, today.)
> 2) Customers installing CDE without JDS will not have GUI access to
> adjust audio settings including volume.  A command line application,
> mixerctl, will still be available that will offer the full
> functionality of gnome-volume-control.
> 6. Resources and Schedule
>     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>       6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>               CDE
>     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>     6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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