John Fischer wrote:
> All,
> I am sponsoring this project for Darren Kenny from the Desktop
> group in Dublin, Ireland.  The case materials contains the
> attached proposal.  I have set the timer for Monday, August 4th,
> 2008.
> This project requests a Minor release binding of Solaris.  It
> implements and enhances the support for WiFi information in the
> GNOME Netstatus Applet.  It introduces a helper application to
> obtain the desired additional information.  The helper application
> uses RBAC to obtain the appropriate authorization for the console
> user only.  This is a temporary solution and the project team is
> working with other teams toward the final solution which will
> not be ready for the next release of Open Solaris.

This looks like a very good compromise solution and I believe the chosen 
taxonomies are appropriate here.

The RBAC exec_attr entry says /usr/lib/gnome-netstatus-wifi-into but the 
interface table says /usr/lib/gnome-netstatus-wifi which is it ?

Also on the interface table which form of "Private"?   I suspect 
Consolidation Private but Project Private might be appropriate too.

Darren J Moffat

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