On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 08:47:36AM -0500, James Carlson wrote:

> OK.  I haven't seen libraries where SONAME is something other than the
> actual file name ...

We've got a bunch; some even came through psarc:

    $ elfdump -d /usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3.4.0 | grep SONAME
    [3]  SONAME            0x6eeb              libdbus-1.so.3

> > >>  /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lcms.pc      Uncommitted     Pkg-config Entry
> > >
> > >This actually looks Project Private to me.
> > 
> > pkgconfig determines how to link with liblcms; any files put there will be 
> > found by programs which want to link with lcms.  I'd hardly consider that
> > private.
> The output of pkgconfig itself isn't private; it's used by other
> software to find this library.
> The file that is contributed by this library to make pkgconfig work is
> private.  Nothing (other than pkgconfig itself) should be reaching
> around into /usr/lib/pkgconfig directly.

I think that what the spec means to say is that the token "lcms" as a
pkgconfig module name is Uncommitted.  That it happens to be delivered with
this particular filename is an implementation artifact of pkg-config.


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