Brian Cameron writes: > Also, it would make more work if we find, in fact, the interfaces are > not as stable enough to meet Sun's understanding of "Uncommitted" > (which means that the interfaces can't change in Solars 11, but only > in Solaris 12 or later).
Marking it "Uncommitted" means that you wouldn't be able to place _incompatible_ changes into patches. It doesn't constrain the release under development, it doesn't stop compatible changes, and it doesn't mean that mistakes will never happen. (In other words, we try our best, but if breakage happens anyway, then we consider it a bug and fix it.) Use Volatile only if you really feel you need to ship patches that have intentionally incompatible changes. It's a loaded weapon aimed squarely at the user. :-/ -- James Carlson, Solaris Networking <james.d.carlson at> Sun Microsystems / 35 Network Drive 71.232W Vox +1 781 442 2084 MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757 42.496N Fax +1 781 442 1677