Glenn Fowler wrote:
> I added and tested a 300 line ast sum(3) wrapper for the solaris -lmd
> hash/digest functions
> sum(3) is a discipline/method library used by the ast sum(1), cksum(1)
> and *sum(1) command links that are implemented in the ast cmd(3) library
> advantages to using the sum(3) api:
> (1) to change the sum/hash/digest method for an application only the
>     sumopen(method_name_string) call need change
> (2) implementation struct sizes are not exposed in the api (sumopen()
>     returns an opaque handle), so the implementation can change and
>     still preserve binary compatibility
> relying on -lmd is not a problem for solaris ksh93 (which uses -lcmd
> and -lsum) because it already pulls in -lsecdb (which pulls in -lmd)

With that information in mind does the project team approve an update to 
the spec so that this case will import libmd and not use (and ideally 
not integrate source for but that is less important) the ast versions of 
the hash algorithms ?

Darren J Moffat

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