
Attached is the updated version of ARC Fast Track materials.

The following issues raised and discussed which are now summarized as 

(1) Not to deliver of g++ compiled libraries
This is now considered out of scope for this ARC fast-track due to the many
issues raised over the brief period. If there is a need in the future to 
g++ compiled libraries this will be addressed in a subsequent case.

(2) Libraries and .pc files are classified as Uncommitted instead of 
see updated interface exported table.
.pc is the recommended way to access include files and also libraries by 
in general for JDS.

(3) Tools for generation of wrapper code are classified as Consolidation 
See updated interface table and rationale for so doing.

I believe any other points raised are either have been resolved during 
the threads
or included here above. Should I have missed any other point, feel free 
to raise.


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