Glenn Fowler wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:55:25 +0100 Roland Mainz wrote:
> > Joseph Kowalski wrote:
> > > Roland Mainz wrote:
> > > The short answer is "No".  This isn't the way OpenSolaris integration 
> > > works.
> > You did see the comment that I said "... yes, we will do it..." ?
> > > We could probably accept a modified proposal that eliminated all "sum"
> > > references.
> > Groan... sounds we have to use the crowbar to get libsum to use
> > Solaris's libmd... ;-(
> did my message about this drop on the floor?

No, I simply missed it because my email filter system didn't like the
way how PSARC-ext at shuffels emails around... mea culpa... ;-(

> no tools required
> a 5 line iffe script and a 300 line c wrapper for ast sum(3) <=> -lmd
> are already coded and tested

Sounds we both spend a night getting libmd support integrated (however
your core is more complete+mature than my "MD5 proof of
concept"-monstrosity) ...
... thanks! :-)

> the ast cksum -x { md5 sha1 sha-256 sha-384 sha-512 } regression tests pass 
> with -lmd
> roland: its up on
>         src/lib/libsum/@(sumlib.c|sum-lmd.c|Makefile)
>         src/lib/libcmd/Makefile
> are the solaris descriptions/attributions below ok?
> (they will only show up on solaris systems with -lmd)

Yes, this looks Ok for me...

1. Are the changes Ok for you ? If "yes" I'll post a diff for the ARC
2. Are there any CDDL or Sun-owned versions of the optimized MD5/SHA*
functions (I'm asking since the ksh93-integration project has the
permission to contribute any Sun/CDDL code back to AT&T upstream under
their license and AFAIK some optimized versions of these functions may
be "nice to have") ?



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
  /O /==\ O\  TEL +49 641 7950090
 (;O/ \/ \O;)

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