Looks good.  +1


Halton Huo wrote:
> Margot,
> On Mon, 2009-03-02 at 16:30 -0800, Margot Miller wrote:
>> The UNIQUE_BACKEND environment variable should be
>> added to exported interface table.
> Added in exported interface table.
> Exported Interfaces                    Classification    Comments
> -----------------------------------    --------------    -----------
> SUNWlibunique                          Uncommitted       Package name
> SUNWlibunique-devel                    Uncommitted       Package name
> /usr/lib/pkgconfig/unique-1.0.pc       Uncommitted       pkg-config file
> /usr/lib/amd64/pkgconfig/unique-1.0.pc Uncommitted       64-bit 
>                                                          pkg-config file
> /usr/lib/libunique-1.0.so.0            Volatile          C library
> /usr/lib/amd64/libunique-1.0.so.0      Volatile         64-bit C library
> /usr/include/unique-1.0/unique         Volatile          header files
> /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/unique         Volatile          gtk-doc files
> UNIQUE_BACKEND environment variable    Volatile          environment 
>                                                          variable to 
>                                                          define backend
>> Please add the man page to the materials.  And I assume
>> that the UNIQUE_BACKEND is documented in the man page?
> Yes. Attach the man page.
> Thanks,
> Halton.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> C Library Functions                              libunique-1.0(3)
>      libunique-1.0 - A library for writing single instance appli-
>      cations
>      libunique-1.0 is  a  library  for  writing  single  instance
>      applications.  If  you  launch a single instance application
>      twice, the second instance will exit quietly or will send  a
>      message to the running instance.
>      libunique-1.0 makes it easy to write these kind of  applica-
>      tions, by providing a base class, taking care of all the IPC
>      machinery needed to send messages to a running instance, and
>      also handling startup notification.
>      libunique-1.0 supports two IPC  backends:  bacon  and  dbus.
>      When  dbus  is used, the messages are transmitted through D-
>      Bus private channel. When bacon is used, libunique-1.0  uses
>      PF_UNIX family socket(3head) to allow communications between
>      processes on the same machine.
>      See environ(5) for descriptions of environment variables.
>      UNIQUE_BACKEND  The default backend is dbus. User can  over-
>                      ride  the  default  backend  by  setting the
>                      UNIQUE_BACKEND environment variable with the
>                      name of the desired backend.
>      The following files are used by this library:
>      /usr/lib/libunique-1.0.so
>          API shared library
>      /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/unique
>          Location of developer documentation
>      See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
>      butes:
> SunOS 5.11          Last change: 27 Feb 2009                    1
> C Library Functions                              libunique-1.0(3)
>      ____________________________________________________________
>     |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
>     |_____________________________|_____________________________|
>     | Availability                | SUNWlibunique               |
>     |_____________________________|_____________________________|
>     | Interface stability         | Volatile                    |
>     |_____________________________|_____________________________|
>      attributes(5),       environ(5),        gnome-interfaces(5),
>      socket(3head)
>      Written by Halton Huo, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2009.
> SunOS 5.11          Last change: 27 Feb 2009                    2

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