James Carlson wrote:
> That solution would be to derail this fast-track, offer the following
> TCR, and then vote to approve (I hope we can address this in ARC
> business today):
>       TCR 1.  The utility must be modified to remove its dependence
>               on fping and should (to preserve the user interface)
>               re-use the existing "-p" and "-P" options to control
>               the behavior of connect(), using non-blocking
>               sockets, poll/select for write, and short timers.
> That way, we finish the back-and-forth discussion, we get a clear
> decision from the other ARC members (both on the imposition of the TCR
> and on the approval of the project) so that it's not just me arguing
> this point, and the project team can then decide how to go forward; it
> can either seek to have the ARC overridden or find some means to
> comply.
> Since I think the discussion has gone on long enough, I'll derail.  I
> offer the TCR above, and now's the point for other ARC members to chip
> in: do you agree with the TCR?  (Should it be a TCA instead, or
> perhaps reworded?)  If you do agree with the TCR, would you be ready
> to vote on the project?

I won't be at the meeting today (since it is a "late" one and that means 
very late for me in the UK).

I agree with Jim's position and agree with the wording of the TCR.  I 
vote to approve with the TCR.

I'd also suggest (though not require) some "boilerplate" text in the 
opinion reminding people that "porting" external to OpenSolaris open 
source sometimes requires actual porting work to make the component 
being imported work instead of just a compile as is.  Importing external 
open source is free like a puppy is free.

Darren J Moffat

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