John Forte wrote:
> This 'pins' the PGR data to a single Solaris host, even though a ZVOL or
> ZVOLs can be exported from the current node, imported on another node.
> There is no room in the ZVOL itself, as the iSCSI Client own 100% of the
> blocks in a ZVOL. There is little remaining space in the 'iscsi-options'
> ZVOL property, as other iSCSI properties consume ~1000 bytes, of a 2K
> limit, and PGR data can be 1000s or 10,000s of bytes in size, depending
> on the number of nodes in a clustering solution.

The ZFS dataset property mentioned here is the hidden iscsioptions 
property right ?

So why not use multiple zap objects to store the PGR data (that gives a 
lot more scope since now you have a list of name=value pairs) like is 
already done for the ZFS delegation data.

Having some of the data inside the ZFS dataset and some of it in 
plainfiles (even if they are stored in ZFS) seems like a recipe for 
getting things out of sync to me.  Why is it okay for PGR data not to be 
tightly tide to the ZVOL yet all the other iscsi options are ?  In fact 
the rationale above suggests the desire is that it should be in the same 
ZFS dataset as the ZVOL.

Now having said that I can see how this case can work just fine in a 
tightly controlled environment.  If there is a time to market issue then 
I can grudgingly approve of this case as specified with one small 
request that the SCF option be private and a plan is put in place to 
investigate putting the PGR data with the ZVOL (either a zap object or 
something else appropriate).

Darren J Moffat

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