ARC members: please review and submit any comments by 03/18/2009.

   microsystems              Systems Architecture Committee


Subject:       tcpdump

Submitted by:  Robin Guo

File:          PSARC/2009/147/

Date:          March 4th, 2009

Committee:     James Carlson, Mark Carlson, Garrett D'Amore,
               Richard   Matthews,   Sebastien   Roy,  Glenn
               Skinner, Gary Winiger.

Product Approval Committee:

               Solaris PAC
               solaris-pac at

1.  Summary

The open source tcpdump (packet tracing) utility  is  to  be
shipped  with OpenSolaris, delivering via the SFW consolida-

2.  Decision & Precedence Information

The project is approved as specified in reference  [1],  but
as  modified  by  the  required  technical  change listed in
Appendix A below.

The project may be delivered in a Minor release  of  Solaris
or OpenSolaris.

The project depends on an upgraded (verison 1.0.0 or better)
libpcap  in SFW, and may not be delivered until this library
is updated.

3.  Interfaces

The project exports the following interfaces.

|                   Interfaces Exported                   |
|Interface        |  Classification|  Comments            |
|/usr/sbin/tcpdump|  Uncommitted   |  Binary location     |
|SUNWtcpdump      |  Uncommitted   |  Package name        |

PSARC/2009/147               Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems

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|                   Interfaces Exported                   |
|Interface        |  Classification|  Comments            |
|tcpdump          |  Uncommitted   |  Command line options|
|files            |  Uncommitted   |  File formats        |
|output           |  Volatile      |  Output format       |

The project imports the following interfaces.

|            Interfaces Imported            |
|Interface|  Classification|  Comments      |
|libpcap  |  Committed     |  PSARC 2008/288|

4.  Opinion

4.1.  Tcpdump, Wireshark, and Snoop

An ARC member noted that tcpdump's functionality  is  essen-
tially  similar  to  the existing snoop utility and that the
wireshark/tshark utility is a superset of both  and  accepts
much of the tcpdump packet filtering syntax.

The project team responded that tcpdump is being offered  as
an  option,  and might be useful for those with scripts that
are dependent on the exact behavior of tcpdump.

The ARC members agreed that this was a useful reason for the
duplication, and that trying to provide a wrapper for tshark
is likely not a productive activity.

4.2.  What Direction Are We Headed?

Several ARC members noted that we approved wireshark  (PSARC
2007/334) quite some time ago, and that it was approved with
the understanding that it would replace  snoop  and  be  the
primary  packet  capture  and  display system on Solaris and
OpenSolaris, but that wireshark, though  in  common  use  on
Solaris,  has  not  yet delivered, and that our direction is
thus unclear.  Is the plan still current?

Further, this lack of direction is affecting other  network-
ing  projects.   As of today, snoop is still the only packet
capture service in the system, and projects being  developed
and reviewed today will need to be directed to update snoop,

PSARC/2009/147               Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems

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even if that effort is not in  the  long  term  interest  of
Solaris or OpenSolaris, because there are no alternatives.

To deal fairly with projects that are  dependent  on  common
features,  where  there may be multiple separate implementa-
tions of these  features,  the  ARC  must  have  information
regarding  which  one is the "preferred" implementation.  In
this case, knowing that wireshark is still "preferred" means
that  networking  projects  delivering  new  protocols  into
Solaris or OpenSolaris will be directed to update  wireshark
rather than snoop or tcpdump.

Customers as well need to know which implementation is "pre-
ferred."   The preferred implementation is the one that will
be   expected   to   be    most    compatible    with    the
Solaris/OpenSolaris  environment,  while  the others may not
necessarily be tailored for that use.

The discussion of these issues led to the advice in  section
6 below, and to the technical change required.

5.  Minority Opinion(s)


6.  Advisory Information

When  delivering  multiple  implementations  of   a   single
feature, and where an extended period of co-existence rather
than eventual replacement is expected, the Solaris  PAC  and
the  management  of  the  on-going "familiarity" project are
advised that the ARC requires explicit information regarding
which  of  the  co-existing  implementations  is regarded as

The management teams are also reminded that, as  decided  in
PSARC  2007/334, wireshark is the packet capture and display
mechanism of record, and prompt delivery of this feature  is
highly desirable, and more useful to Solaris and OpenSolaris
than is delivery of any  other  alternative  implementation.
Failing to deliver wireshark will very likely cause problems
for other projects.

7.  Appendices

7.1.  Appendix A: Technical Changes Required

     1.   The end user documentation delivered must  include
          language  pointing  the  user  to  the "preferred"
          packet capture and display mechanism on  the  sys-
          tem,  so that the user knows which one is intended
          to decode all supported protocols on the system.

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7.2.  Appendix B: Technical Changes Advised


7.3.  Appendix C: Reference Material

Unless stated otherwise, path names are relative to the case
directory PSARC/2009/147.

1.   Tcpdump Project Proposal
     File:  proposal.txt

PSARC/2009/147               Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems

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