Brian Utterback writes:
>         Integrate TiMidity++ into OpenSolaris

How retro.  I remember porting that to AIX 4.x long ago.

>       (about 150 MB). It will be installed to /usr/share/sounds/sf2
> Exported Interfaces:
>       SUNWtimidity            Uncommitted             Package name
>       SUNWfluid-soundfont-gm  Uncommitted             Package name
>       /usr/bin/timidity       Committed               Executable location
>       timidity                Volatile                Commandline syntax

The /usr/share/sounds/sf2 directory is an exported interface for this
project.  It's unclear what the stability is intended to be.  (Perhaps
'Uncommitted' for the directory path itself, and 'Volatile' for the
list of files contained in there?)

I'm not sure "Volatile" is right for the command line.  At least
_some_ of the command line syntax is either Committed or Uncommitted,
or nobody's going to be able to use this effectively.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <james.d.carlson at>
Sun Microsystems / 35 Network Drive        71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677

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