
Let's try to get the focus back to the open issues.

It looks like the outstanding issues are now:

-  How does Solaris auditable policy interact with star/rmt?

-  What happens if the system crashes during an incremental
  star? Are these files automatically cleaned up on reboot?


Margot Miller wrote:
> Below is the revised spec for star and rmt integration. The timer has 
> been
> reset to MARCH 20th. Seeking minor binding.
> Have tried to summarize the issues.  If I have left your issue off the 
> list,
> please respond to this email with it.
> Closed issues:
> -  Will not provide /usr/include/schilly header files.
> -  /usr/lib/ is project private
> -  Man page for librmt will not be delivered.
> -  Not seeking to replace tar with star
> -  rmt located at /usr/sbin/rmt
> -  If no objections, will not move configuration files into SMF
> -  Project delivered via SFW consolidation
> Open Issues:
> -  Do we document in star man pages the differences between star
>   and tar?
> -  How does Solaris auditable policy interact with star/rmt?
> -  Are /.star-symtable,  ./star-symdump,  ./star-tmpdir location,
>   ./star-lock left in the file system when archiving a directory?
> -  What happens if the system crashes during an incremental
>   star? Are these files automatically cleaned up on reboot?
> ************
> Date:
>       Mar 12, 2008
> Author:
>        Ken Erickson (kene at eng)
> Proposal:
>       Integrate schily tar (star), a tar-like clone with more
>       features and rmt.
> Details:
>       This case supercedes PSARC/2004/480, which was approved on
>       June 16, 2004.  Since that time, Solaris policies regarding
>       open source have changed, specifically in the areas of
>       interface taxonomy and installed locations for open source
>       components.
>       Due to resource constraints, at this time I would also like to
>       slightly limit the scope of the original work, specifically
>       changes to ufsdump/ufsrestore to use the schily librmt.  This
>       would be moved to possible "future changes", list as specified in
>       the original case, leaving us with:
>       Current changes:
>       - /usr/sbin/rmt executable from ON replaced by the rmt from star
>       - /etc/default/rmt configuration file added (defaults to full 
> access)
>       - /usr/lib/ library added
>       - /usr/bin/star executable added
>       - /usr/bin/ustar symlink to star added
>       - /usr/bin/scpio symlink to star added
>       - /usr/bin/spax symlink to star added
>       - usr/src/cmd/rmt removed from ON build and/or deleted
>       - man page modifications as dictated by SFW and Tech Pubs 
> guidelines
>       The original case was approved for patch binding, but given the
>       pathname changes for open source components, introduced in 
> Nevada, I
>       would like to amend that to seek minor release binding.
> Exported Interfaces:
>       SUNWstar        Package name            Uncommitted
>       SUNWrmt         Package name            Uncommitted
>       /etc/default/rmt location               Committed
>       /etc/default/rmt syntax                 Committed
>       /etc/default/star location              Committed
>       /etc/default/star syntax                Committed
>       /etc/tardumps   location                Committed
>       /usr/bin/star   executable              Committed
>       /usr/bin/star   command syntax          Committed
>            Exceptions include:
>                    Options dealing with      Obsoleted
>                    compatability formats     Uncommitted
>                              artype=headertype,
>                       where headertype can
>                       be v7tar,gnutar, etc.
>                       -O
>                       H=headertype
>                    Options marked in man      Obsoleted
>                    page as obsolete,          Uncommitted
>                    these include -ask_remove,
>                    -force_hole, etc.
>       /usr/bin/ustar  symlink                 Uncommitted
>       /usr/bin/ustar  command syntax          Uncommitted
>       /usr/bin/scpio  symlink                 Uncommitted
>       /usr/bin/scpio  command syntax          Uncommitted
>       /usr/bin/spax   symlink                 Uncommitted
>       /usr/bin/spax   command syntax          Uncommitted
>       ./star-symtable location                Committed
>       ./star-symdump  location                Committed
>       ./star-tmpdir   location                Committed
>       ./star-lock     location                Committed
>       /usr/sbin/rmt   executable              Committed
>       /usr/sbin/rmt   command syntax          Committed
>       /etc/rmt        symlink to /usr/sbin/rmt Uncommitted
>       /usr/lib/ library              Project Private
>                            No compilation link
>                            provided
>       STAR_COMPRESS_FLAG Environment variable   Uncommitted
>       STAR_DEBUG         Environment varible    Uncommitted
>       STAR_FIFOSIZE      Environment varialbe   Uncommitted
>       RSH                Environment variable   Uncommitted
>       RMT                Environment variable   Uncommitted
>       Imported Interfaces:
>       TAPE              Environment variable   Uncommitted
>                         Used by mt program

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