Brian Cameron wrote:
> The dmrc file is shared between GNOME and KDE, but there is no reason
> why it could not support a GDM specific extension.  KDM could also adopt
> it if it is useful to them.  Though, as you suggest, such an opt-out
> mechanism could probably be implemented in different ways.  So, it is
> probably best to file a bug with upstream and let the community
> consider whether this is a feature that should be added and the best
> way to address this.  If the dmrc file is the best way, then we
> should discuss and coordinate with the KDM project.  It is probably
> not a good idea to rush ahead and try to implement this sort of new
> interface at the end of the 2.28 release cycle.

Agreed compeltely, if KDM doesn't agree then I don't think doing this in 
dmrc is a good idea.

I believe my issues have all been addressed now and I'm happy with the 
updates that have been made.

Darren J Moffat

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