I'm sponsoring this fast track case for Gowtham. Gutenprint is a newer version 
(and name change) of Gimp-print. Proposal & FOSS checklist are attached.

It almost qualifies for automatic approval except for this section in the FOSS 
checklist (which is hopefully OK):

      Are 64-bit versions of the libraries being delivered?
      [ ] Yes
      [X] No - ARC review required

        It is not possible to deliver 64-bit Gutenprint libraries. Gutenprint
        depends on cups, ghostscript and foomatic. Ghostscript and foomatic
        do not deliver 64-bit libraries. So, we cannot build 64-bit libraries
        and hence provide only the 32-bit libraries.

Jim Gates                      Sun Microsystems
Peterborough, NH, USA      http://sun.com/postgresql
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