> My suggestion was that before we move forward, it would be best for
> someone knowledgable of the requirements to first start a discussion
> with the external ConsoleKit community to determine the best way to
> integrate this feature.
> We are free to hack ConsoleKit to add Solaris-specific features if we
> want.  That is our freedom since it is free software.  However, making
> that choice without first having a discussion with the external
> community seems very poor engineering to me.
> To me, the above seems a poor reason to not have a discussion.  Having
> such a discussion does not commit ourselves to doing any specific
> work, nor does it prevent us from "doing our own thing" if that is what
> we decide to do.  But not having such a discussion means that we are
> designing the code blind.

Brian, the problem is that, I don't know at this point what the
feasible solutions and constraints are.  Without a better understanding
of the options I don't see bringing the discussions to the community
having any value other than a giant mail flood.  I expect the mail to
the community be

    1. This is the problem we are trying to solve
    2. These are the options we have considered along with the pros and
    3. Do you guys see any issues? Do you have better suggestions? Does
       what we do seem to align with what you guys are doing? etc
I only have (1) right now.

If you think we have sufficient information to send mail to these
aliases, by all means, and please let me know what they suggest.

Sherry Moore, Solaris Core Kernel       http://blogs.sun.com/sherrym

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