On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 03:35:19PM -0700, Rafael Vanoni wrote:
> Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> >Rafael Vanoni wrote:
> >>There are still many consumers of cv_timedwait who need to pass in an 
> >>absolute time. cv_wait serves a similar purpose but without the timed 
> >>component, so it's functionality doesn't overlap with cv_reltimedwait().
> >
> >Really?  In device drivers?  Because darn near every time I've used 
> >cv_timedwait (and I've used it a *lot* over my career), what I really 
> >wanted was a relative time (usually for a timeout.)  I can't think of 
> >any reason in normal kernel code why you'd want an *absolute* time.   
> >(Apart from the kernel proper, where I can see absolute times being 
> >useful for wall clock kinds of things.)
> Yes, both in kernel and drivers (iwh and iwk2, for instance). I can come 
> up with a list if you're interested.

Er, iwh and iwk2 do this:

        clk = ddi_get_lbolt() + drv_usectohz(1000000);

        /* wait loading run_text until completed or timeout */
        while (!(sc->sc_flags & IWH_F_PUT_SEG)) {
                if (cv_timedwait(&sc->sc_put_seg_cv, &sc->sc_glock, clk) < 0) {

Looks like a candidate for cv_reltimedwait().

That said, I can see wall-clock time waits in third-party modules (think
of things like OpenAFS).  But then, one can always turn those into
reltimedwaits [except in real-time contexts?].


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