On 09/02/09 11:08, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> Madhavan Venkataraman wrote:
>> On 09/01/09 17:31, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
>>> Joerg Schilling wrote:
>>>> Jerry Gilliam <jerry.gilliam at sun.com> wrote:
>>>>> 2. Project Summary
>>>>>     2.1. Project Description:
>>>>>         The tickless project aims at implementing the services 
>>>>> provided by the
>>>>>         clock cyclic in an event driven fashion. The first 
>>>>> sub-project is the
>>>>>         decoupling of the lbolt and lbolt64 variables from 
>>>>> clock(). These two
>>>>>         variables are incremented at each firing of the clock 
>>>>> cyclic and provide
>>>>>         a time reference to the system. They are being replaced by 
>>>>> two routines
>>>>>         that are backed by gethrtime(), the existing 
>>>>> ddi_get_lbolt() and
>>>>>         the new ddi_get_lbolt64(), introduced as a migration path 
>>>>> for existing
>>>>>         non-DDI compliant consumers.
>>>> If this results in being able to sleep with less than 10 ms 
>>>> granularity without
>>>> setting a high-res tick, you get many + from me!
>>> Actually, I could really use the ability to use a timer based 
>>> service that had a smaller window than 10 msec.  For example, many 
>>> audio devices have crummy interrupt capabilities... its a lot nicer 
>>> (smoother audio) if I have a reliable way to get a periodic running 
>>> at smaller intervals.  (5 to 10 msec, but with precision -- the 
>>> current stuff is simply too coarse.)
>>> This would simplify a lot of audio device drivers.  And make them 
>>> more robust as well. :-)
>>>    - Garrett
>> The callout subsystem has been redesigned to support small and high 
>> resolution
>> timers. The condition variable module has also been enhanced to make 
>> use of the
>> high resolution timers. (see functions that end with _hires in 
>> condvar.c). However,
>> this is not exported via DDI. If some consolidation private driver 
>> wants to cheat
>> and use these interfaces (ugh), it can. But if you feel there is a 
>> real need, someone
>> should work to export the hires CV interfaces to DDI. What I am 
>> saying is that
>> the functionality is there. It just needs to be exported.
> Can I use fine grained timers with ddi_periodic()?  Or is it still 
> only tick granularity?
Unfortunately not. It only supports 10 millisecond granularity
even if hires_tick is set. The interface itself accepts hrtime_t.
But internally, the interval is rounded up to the nearest
10 ms boundary. That whole interface needs to be revisited and
its implementation revamped. A whole timer subsystem has been
implemented there with many issues. But that is a separate topic.


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